May 22, 2010

Mr. V

I love Mr. V.  He makes me laugh, even when I hate him he makes me laugh.  Like most I have gotten caught up in the Twilight frenzy.  I enjoyed the books (even if they are not scholarly) they are a fun way to escape, and even thought the movies are not Emmy winners they definitely fill my need for teen angst.  The reason why I love my husband is because he knows this, he laughs at this and yet still participates in it while mocking me.

He plays Vampire and Werewolves with Emily.  When he nuzzles Emily's neck and gives her kisses to make her laugh, he is a vampire.  When he tickles her with this hand on her tummy he is a Werewolf.  Not a hard game to catch onto but we love it.  He bought Emily a tin with sweet tarts in it that says team Jacob.  I am team Edward.  Bryan says they are on team Jacob because they have brown skin and are always hot - so they must be werewolves and I must be a vampire cause I am pale.  Thanks B.

When Twilight the DVD was release, he waited out in the cold at Target in line with Emily (she was 3 months old at the time - and obviously bundled up) while I was on a girls trip.  He wanted to make sure I had my movie.  He still gets good husband points for that one.

He does these things every now and then that make me love him all over again ....