The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

"It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly."                                              ~ Oscar Wilde

The Miami Dolphins Office
My Husband might just be color blind. 

I don't even know if this one requires an explanation.  But I am going to try anyways. We had just moved in to our lovely little fixer upper and we were painting up a storm.  Emily's room was done.  Our room had gone to a bright bright blue to a sand color (nothing brave in the bedroom yet...but give it a few years). And so we thought we should tackle the office.

I had chosen all the other colors for the rooms and was zapped for inspiration so I let Bryan choose.  WRONG IDEA...

And did he stop at an "accent wall"?  Nope.  He just kept on going with his bad decision.

This color lasted all of a day.

And was replaced with Bamboo Shoot.

But now this room is in need of a face lift again, we claimed the closet space to expand our tiny bathroom and now one wall is a lovely mint green - the color of drywall.  So this room falls under the ugly category as of today....