July 31, 2011

the Mother Comes, and She is Bringing Reinforcements!!

So I have been stuck in this house day after day imagining what I want to do with this house, and the sad fact is that I know exactly what I want to do with this house but do not have the man power or the funds.

Bryan has been hard at work working as many hours as he possibly can to get us to where we want to be, I have been managing the daily survival which includes a two year old who has realized that if she behaves badly she gets negative reinforcement...aka. attention (we are rectifying this as we speak... adjustment to the new baby).  So our projects have slowed/stopped and I am getting to that sad/pathetic/my house is ugly feeling a lot quicker these days.

But then... when all hope is almost lost... my mother decided to plan a visit (after a subtle hint by me, that Emily would loooove to see her Grandma Mimi) and she is bringing reinforcements aka. my dad!!!

I am so relieved. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with all my half finished projects and just need a little umph to get me going again in the right direction.

This direction hopefully will be in the form of a huge dumpster - and loads of crap from my garage and basement making a trip to the dump...do I feel bad about that - yes.... but in all honesty I have reused what I can, and the rest is pretty much debris.

I have a lot of ideas of what we could achieve during the weekend but I am going to start with small expectations and hopefully be pleasantly surprised at what we can get accomplished. 

If it were my dream weekend however this is what I would love to get done:
  1. Empty out the basement aka. gut the basement completely
  2. Prime and paint the kitchen (it is so beyond acceptable right now)
  3. Paint the living room my dark blue
  4. Paint my piano
  5. Clean up the drive way that is half way torn up.
  6. Prime and paint my kitchen table (we might actually get this one done)
  7. Clean out the office/storage room and make it into an office
Slightly ambitious?  Yes.  What would be my top 3?
  1. Prime and paint the kitchen
  2. Gut the basement
  3. Clean up the driveway
  1. Gut the basement and garage
And it all hangs in the balance on this man:

I am pretty sure he thought he was the FBI at my wedding with those oh so cool glasses - and yes that is usually the expression on his face unless my sister and I are wearing Madagascar (the cartoon movie) masks that we got from Denny's and staring at people in their cars as we drive by... then he is laughing hysterically.  By the way my sister totally looks like the giraffe in that movie ... has something to do with the large teeth.  I was the zebra...

 Yeah.... we are not a normal family... but we have fun.

July 29, 2011


Yesterday was chaos...

It was decided that yesterday was going to be "show the baby off day" and instead of just doing one of our workplaces, I chose to do both, insane I know.

So Bryan left to work at 6 am.  Leaving me to get everyone up, ready and presentable.  Eli had his cute little blue outfit on, I quickly (note the quickly) threw Emily into a dress her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Andrea sent her (her favorite this month - we wear it about 3 times a week).  We brushed our teeth, brushed our hair and then packed everyone up in the car.

The car ride went fantastic, no tears, nada. And then we arrived at B's work.  I had called him in advance to help me unload the kids and just to help...well as he was lifting Emily out of her car seat a face of horror swept over his face. 

He looked at me and asked "SHE IS NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR?!?!?"

Inside my head I was going "F@#k.... F@#k....Sh*t" 

And then she twirled for dad.  And he nearly died.  We then instructed her not to twirl anymore. 

We almost got away with it.  But if you know anything about a two and half year old they like to climb, twirl, and tumble around.  I then had to explain myself and my lack of expertise on the parenting front.

And then I had to relive the horror at my work.  Luckily everyone is quite aware of my parenting flaws and love me anyways (or at least they just like me around for the entertainment value). 

So yes, we survived people got to meet Eli, Emily got plenty of attention and played up to it every chance she got and I feel like an awesome parent who forgets to put her kid in underwear...

Luckily she is potty trained and we had no accidents, otherwise I am sure my maternity leave would have been extended indefinitely.  Yay for parenting.

July 27, 2011

I did the Unthinkable

Oh god I did it.  I, after 2 1/2 weeks tried on my skinny jeans... not my preprego jeans, yes they are, but the preprego skinny skinny jeans.

It was a rough go at first.  Wasn't sure if they were going to make it over the thighs... it was touch and go... but with a few lunges, a few hops and some really wicked maneuvering I got them up and over the thighs and up over my ass.

Now before you go on hating me, saying "girl if you are back to preprego weight and size..." I am so not.  The jeans did not zip.

They didn't even make the attempt to zip.  And there is a generous amount of stretch in these jeans.  But I am happy for where I am at.  I have a few blouse-y shirts that can hide my unzipped jeans that will make this work.

So I am going to fake it till I make it.

The reason why the attempt at skinny jeans?  We are headed to Ikea to pick up a sink for our kitchen!!!

Yeah, from the as is section (I recommend stalking this area when ever you are at Ikea - some really great deals).  So we are going to start "collecting" all the pieces we need for the kitchen slowly but surely... then maybe it won't hurt quite as bad as it would if we purchased it all at once... that is my theory and I am sticking to it.

So I had to change out of my sweat pants and pretend to reenter the real world that is not covered in baby spit up.... I can hardly remember civilization as of right now so this trip is my reintroduction!!!

I feel as though I should have a big fluffy white debutant ball gown for this event ... alas I never was one (pure jealousy since I love ridiculous reasons to get dressed up and prettied up and I am sure I could have found a fabulous pair of shoes to wear...).

Anywho, now I must go a dust off my make-up so I don't scare any young children with the dark circles under my eyes....

UPDATE: booya got me a $300 sink for under $50 (one small crack on a corner - but we have the missing piece and it looks like an easy cosmetic fix) so yeah major score.  Major negative?  My poor floppy tummy was not ready for skinny jeans.  Guess who is back into her sweats?  Me Me Me!

July 26, 2011

Having a Day

It started off really well, I have started to walk Emily to daycare in the mornings (not so hot at that time) with Eli strapped up in one of those harness-y things (I really want to try a wrap - less clicks and velcro etc) but off we went!  I keep hoping to lose some of the extra ass I picked up while being pregnant - no such luck yet - but I still hop on the scale when I get home hoping to see the thing drop 15lbs...does everyone torture themselves like this?!?!

Then something threw me off a bit, nothing terrible but just hit me in the right spot and threw off my mojo.  As I was walking, called my hubby thinking it might be good to at least get it out in the open and kind of purge myself of the yucky feeling...

It didn't work.

It followed me home, even with a great soundtrack on the iPod to walk home too.  Even after a two mile walk.

Sigh.  Then of course, being in the sad state I was, I looked at an old friend's facebook page who passed away last year due to brain cancer.  Not a good idea.  Not a good idea esp. if you are only two weeks postpartum.  Why did I do that to myself?!?!

Then there was a call to HR help desk since they messed up on my maternity leave pay... how well did that go?  Not so hot.  Not helpful.  No solution today, will be trying again tomorrow when I am more mentally stable.

But my husband knows me so well.  He knew I was having a rough day and texted me that he has a bag of Swedish Fish with my name on it.  That is true love.

And to top it all off, what is more fun than writing on paper with a pen?  Writing on a couch with pen... thank you Emily.  Luckily it is one of those microfiber couches so I think I can get it out - worse case scenario it will help me motivate myself to get the free couches reupholstered faster...

But I am going to focus on tomorrow as of now.  I think I might just prime my kitchen table legs tomorrow if the weather permits it or find some other half finished project that I have started.

A project will get me out of my funk.  I promise.  Then I can have more "happy" posts.  And really who likes the poor me posts anyways?


July 24, 2011

I Normally don't do this but...

I just love her images!

And if I lived in TX still or visited a little more often I would totally call in my friendship for a total favor, but sadly I have yet to have a chance to have Sarah capture my, and my family's fabulousness on film.

So I am forced to stalk all her "teasers" of other cute families and engagement photos and dream of the day I can set up a session... so here are a few of the images that I have fallen in love with but I do recommend that you go and stalk her facebook page and her website - lots of visual treats!

And here is one of Sarah and her husband - who I honestly have not met yet, but he sure does look like a guy I would like... did I mention he was the one to carry the desk out into the river for the Senior picture above ... yeah, any guy who would do that to help his wife wins some major guy points.  And they just seem to be a fun couple.  And I think his glasses add a bit of "coolness" that every guy needs... maybe if we visit that coolness can rub off on B?  No.... I think B has his own short quirkiness that no one can rub off him :)

But yes - please check her out she is definitely worth it!!!

Sarah's Facebook Page

Her Website for more stalking opportunities

July 23, 2011

Insider - yeah I am lucky like that

So one of the part time jobs B has taken on is one  at Ikea... and I got the call today...

The 2012 catalog is out to employees 3 weeks early... and being married to an employee mean I get to have a sneak peak at it tonight when he brings it home.

Yes, I know Ikea has a rep for being the ideal way to furnish your college dorm, but if you are creative and use some of their pieces in unsuspecting ways you can really create a bang for your buck, and I need my bucks to stretch a little bit further these days.

Check out this blog for some creative ideas people have come up with: Ikea Hackers
This is one of the small favorites of mine - but there are some really great ideas I promise!

So needless to say I am super excited to page through the catalog and dream up all the fabulous ways I can make my house a home.  And they always seem to have great looking rooms - and great color schemes...

And speaking of making my house a home, I am pretty sure my daughter has perfected this.  After I cleaned her room top to bottom, finally centering a shelf over her bed and finally putting on the hardware on her new purple desk... Emily chose to tear down her cute ruffle curtains and by tearing them down I mean - ruining the curtain rod and everything... then she proceeded to take all her pillows out of their pillow cases...throw her duvet on the ground... dump out all the balls out of the ball pit the was neatly hidden under her bed and throw plastic fruit all over her room. 

So yeah - my house has that home-y lived in feeling now.  I am thrilled.  I also called my husband and told him that I deserve a can or two of dark blue paint for dealing with today...

I think he might be game with this deal - since I am not asking for expensive boots (the usual bribe/you owe me deal)...but it is about to be boot season (at least in the stores - I am expecting snow suits to start showing up in August - in fact I know they will be there).

Sigh, I am worn out.  Props to all the stay at home moms who have not gone insane.  It has barely been over a week for me and I am sitting here with a glass of wine blogging a poor me post. God I am weak.

But the wine is so good :)

July 21, 2011

Yellow Piano = Instant Husband Veto

So I have a little time on my hand to scourer google images... this is where trouble comes from FYI.

Today's google ... Painted Pianos.

I have a great piano I got off Craigslist for free about a year ago (yes the same one I got stuck in the middle of the living room trying to move it on my own being super pregnant if you need a reminder here ya go) but the finish is slightly yucky... old and the stain is fading...

I was thinking white at first but I am thinking that is a little bland and if I have my gray couches and neutral it might get a little boring against the blue walls I want.  Then I happened onto this happy yellow piano.

 And I love it.  And think it would pop against the blue wall.

 But this was my husband's response to me telling him about my idea ...

"It doesn't matter if it is sunshine yellow or puke yellow it is still all yellow.....now what is next on the list to veto?"

Got to love him.  So it looks like white might be the "compromise".  But we shall see - remember I did get my purple desk...mind you it did end up in Emily's room and not the office - but I did win technically...

Maybe some yellow vases on top of the piano...pillows... sigh I do love that yellow piano though.

July 20, 2011

Introducing "Boy"

So trying to get Emily use to the idea of having a little brother we tried to tell her that she was going to be like Maddie at daycare who has a baby sister who is baby Morgan...

She knew the nursery was for baby Eli (and here is the true announcement!!! We went with Elijah Pierce Vargas... will get into that in a little bit) but when she came to the hospital to meet her brother ... he was baby Morgan... I am pretty sure we went the wrong route in trying to explain the whole baby brother thing...

Well, now that had morphed into "Boy".  Eli is not a baby according to Emily. He is a Boy.  And she will correct you.

But overall the adjustment has gone quite well for her.  Maternity leave for me has been a little rougher... It is quite the adjustment to go from 60 mph to 0 mph and to sit back and enjoy this time.  I am one who needs to be busy...needs a project...not that I don't enjoy relaxing but this is slightly different.  A crying baby is not as relaxing as one would think...go figure.

But baby Eli is doing great, he decided that he wasn't going to come on his due date and gave me one last Monday at work, but then he didn't want to share his birthday with his Grandpa Bob or cousin Jacob... so he came on his own day July 12th.  My water broke a 1:30 in the morning (interesting sensation - not one I would like to relive) so we called up my Uncle Brian and Renee to drop off Emily and off to the hospital we went.

Eli showed up at 11:31 AM and has been my needy baby ever since.  He loves me what can I say... I have that affect on men ;)

And then I had my first post margarita that Friday my birthday - yay - me!

So now on to the photos!!!

And so this is Elijah Pierce Vargas.  Elijah we just liked - and thought it would sound good as Eli Vargas.  Pierce is a family name on my Mother's side (thank you Uncle Robert for doing all that family research and finding this name) and I think it is a good name if he ever he wants to be famous on some level.  And yes I will be living through my kids cool names....

I got stuck with a nice 80's name - Megan Marie... My sister got the cool name Eliza Ann... yes mom, I will need therapy for this :)

July 9, 2011

Dust Bunnies, a Bunny, and a Bird

So after my doctors appointment yesterday, where my lovely doctor did give me an end in sight (the 14th if this little booger doesn't come on his own before then) I kind of went crap.  My house is in total chaos.

I had balls from Emily's ball pit everywhere.  Laundry piling up from god knows where, I have only 3 outfits that fit right now... and dishes that seem to be never ending.  I swear I would love to know that others have these moments where they just stare in amazement and ask themselves "I live like this?!?!"

That was yesterday.  So I figured I better get on it.  I really hate leaving my house to go anyway and come back to it in the same state of chaos.  And so heading to the hospital with a yuck house was not an option...even after calling my mom about something else and mentioning it, and her saying well "I'll be there..."

I know she will be. But something called pride is just getting in the way of letting my mother fold my underwear at 27 (I am not yet rounding up to 28 even though that is a week away)....

So I decided my bedroom was a great place to start since the living room is dominated by Emily and her toys...

Well, after loading the washer and dryer and clearing the room of all nonessentials... I got out the broom and dust pan...and went after all the dust bunnies under the bed.

Yeah, if all I found were scary dust bunnies it would have been all good.  But we have to keep in mind I have a lovely man cat that loves to bring home "surprises".

I recently had a bird waiting for me in front of my washer and dryer down in the basement.  He also had just trotted across the street with a vole (a cross between a mole and a mouse) in his mouth....I made Bryan dig me a hole for that burial.

But yesterday I had the pleasure of a double whammy.  First sweep brought out a bunny tail...(in my mind I was already mentally preparing with a major F@CK going through it).  Second sweep a bird's wing - just one.

At this point I just shoved the bed way across the room (don't worry it was light and we have wood floors).  And TADA.  A bird's head and a bird's wing.  Luckily it wasn't "messy". Oh and right when I thought the carnage was done ... I found one bird's leg.

Did I mention that my cat is declawed (just the front paws - and no I don't need a debate about how cruel this is- believe me this cat can fend for himself - and he was suppose to be an inside kitty - tell him that).  He is a killer.  But I love him....just not the gifts he brings home.

 I know, from these pictures you can't really picture this cat as the murderous serial killer cat that he is..

I am pretty sure if I had found the wishbone it would have meant that I was going into labor, but no such luck.

Needless to say the deep clean continues today.  MY lovely cousin Melissa has offered to watch Emily so I can catch up on a few things, relax and maybe have a few minutes without Bug's Life on.  She gets a gold star for the day.

July 7, 2011

I am Vain Act Surprised

So, as we all have witnessed over the last couple of months I really do not care to be pregnant. Yeah Yeah Yeah miracle of life... and don't get me wrong I love the end results (right after they learn how to hold the bottle themselves) and wouldn't trade Emily for anything ... but I am just not the glowing happy super excited pregnant lady. 

But here I am, at the end of it all and my feet are starting to swell (okay okay lets be real - I don't think they un- swell at this point - I have cankles - permanently) and I am rotating the 3 outfits left that I can actually fit in... so I have started to day dream about "normal clothes".

No one told me the first round that I would be leaving the hospital still looking pregnant (not happy about that one) and those fabulous tabloids that show all the famous people walking out with model figures didn't help me feel super fantastic about it either.

So this time I am taking action, not in the physical activity way, that probably would have been a great idea (working out - staying active while being pregnant) but I didn't.  I ate Redvines, donuts etc instead.  But I am giving the Belly Bandit a try....

Serious. I picked mine up today since supposedly I am not going to be pregnant forever (I am still not so sure about this).  So yeah,  I am going to give it a try and hopefully bounce back faster than I did last time.

Wish me luck and expect an honest review in a few weeks.... but you know Kourtney Kardashian did design her own so  obviously it works right?!?! I think she also has a personal trainer.... cook... and few more secret weapons than I do... but at least we are on equal playing ground with the Belly Bandit....

See...obviously this is 100% proof that this sucker is bound to work... but don't worry I didn't go for the "lacy corset" look - not my bag and I am not sure if my neighbors would appreciate me walking around the neighborhood looking so Seski...

July 4, 2011

Wrong Day to Want to be a Canadian

but I so would love to be today...

I stumbled on to the following website for HGTV Canada... I would love to see this show/be on the show...

Colin & Justin's Home Heist

and the before and afters are just full of inspiration!  And today I need it.  After a marathon of Bug's Life yesterday (remember Emily is super sick - and this is the only way to keep her calm and reduce tears-  I am not a terrible terrible mother... just slightly not the greatest), today we have moved on to Lion King - and my heart has grown cold and numb to the ever predictable killing of of a parental figure that Disney has perfected... I don't even shed a tear...

So now on our fifth viewing I at least have some eye candy.  Some of it I totally love... Some I can honestly say I hate but there are some great arrangements and color combos that I would love to try, even though I know I would get vetoed right away by my better half...

I don't know how to steal (with credit of course) these images to pass along yet (maybe when the hubby comes home he can help me with that) but go check it out get inspired!

I am now convinced that I need to paint my piano... there is an image of a before and after piano dark to white...this might help my visually challenged husband come over to the "light" even though he has already said no...

Also, Col-bolt Blue - Royal Blue seems to be gaining a lot of traction in the home and it almost has me rethinking my green living room.  Bryan better get prepared for some more paint chips....

I am slightly in love with the darker blue - but can I pull it off? Can I convince the Hubby?  It is just paint after all - and with a few buckets of primer it too can disappear like it never happened... But just imagine it with my new/old/need to be re-upholstered couches ... I need to be brave!!!

 Disclaimer - not my couch - yet... but very close to what I want it to turn out to be - the chairs and love seat in the houndstooth bellow...
and then this zebra rug... It is the only way I think I can get this pattern into the living room without B freaking on me (sent him the link a few days ago and had to explain that he should view it as a neutral)
West Elm
And then I have been searching for a coffee table - and really haven't found a solution I absolutely adored unit I saw these ....
Yeah - in love.  At first I thought I would need an antique table to go with the couch but then - why should I try to be matchy matchy? And plus I think it would have killed all coolness I am trying to achieve with the new couches and paint...  and it isn't visually overwhelming which
I don't want... I want an open feel and think this is just the ticket!!!

Now I must return to reality and sing along with Simba, Pumba, and Timone.  YAY me.  Thank goodness B is on his way home :)

July 3, 2011

Congrats to the Bride and Groom

So instead of having a fabulous time celebrating the witty side of my family, I am being fat and pregnant and nursing a sick baby.

How much would I rather be skinny in a fabulous black dress (I have a great bridesmaid dress that I would have worn - no lie - Laura B. let us pick out our own and it is killer) bantering with my Uncle Robert about how my cousin Chad never got me on Oprah for as many years as he worked lighting for her, and how I am funny as hell (self nominated here) and should make a guest appearance on Saturday Night Live since my other cousin writes for them.

Yes, it is this side of the family that stole all the fabulous-ness from me and left me to fend for myself and my ego with this blog.

I love them.  Chad (the one getting married today- yay) was fabulous to me when I first moved up to Minneapolis for college and left everything I knew and was comfortable with.  He showed me the ropes, bought me beer, took me to a house party and got me drunk.  Then like any good cousin he took my hung over self to a wonderful hole in the wall place for some fabulous eggs in the morning.  He was even nice enough to show me the areas never to walk alone in or at night in... I am pretty sure I felt super safe after that convo...

This is the side of the family I always flock to when we do those "family" events... cause they understand my snottiness and usually dismiss it with a grain of salt.  Even when I give Uncle Robert a hard time for driving a PT Cruiser.

He even kept it after he hit a deer... perfect opportunity to "trade up" to something less like a hearse... but I love him anyways.

But back to the original topic, we definitely wish we could have been there... but my waddle does not equal dancing and my fat feet could not have fit into the cute black shoes I would have worn with the cute black dress that obviously doesn't fit at the moment... and being a week away from my due date I might have been even more sassy than acceptable at a celebration... and then there is that whole impending labor issue...

But here, in honor of the newlyweds - this is what I would have partied it up in for the two of you (and would have danced inappropriately in - if I were able to get a few cocktails in me):
And the reason why Lindsey was covering her cleavage?  Because she had to get a larger size dress so that the hem wasn't too revealing.. however even after altering - she need a little help from a level 3 from Victoria Secret... I am short and had no problems - but being the fabulous friend that I am - five minutes after this picture was taken - and two minutes before we walked down the isle - I was stuffing my bra with tissues so that she would not be the only "hussy" walking down the isle in front of everyone...

On the record, her boobies were not on the "hussy" level.

Love you Uncle Robert, Ann, Chad & Elizabeth!!!  Congrats and I hope there is someone dancing at your wedding inappropriately right now to take my place :)

July 2, 2011

Missing in Action...

So I have been slightly MIA lately...

Probably hiding in shame from all the crying I have been doing lately...I really, really, really hate pregnancy hormones esp. the last two weeks of them.

So you might be wondering how my walk of shame went after my lovely episode of crying at the happy hour went... well it turns out when you cry in front of your boss and higher ups you can expect a "touchbase" to pop up on you calendar the next day. Rule #1 always cry on a Friday.

And then if you are really really lucky, you get to meet with HR. Your boss's boss.  And your boss's boss's boss.  I cannot tell you how many meetings I had about my "feelings".  And guess what - I cried in those too (imagine my head hanging down in shame).

Luckily I have not been totally psychotic through my whole pregnancy, so they still remember that I can be normal... and in all honesty everyone was wonderful and just really wanted to reassure me that I will have a job and a role when I come back, and that all the hard work I have done won't be forgotten and I won't have to start all over again in another role.

It did help.

Do I wish that I cried cute though? Yes.  Another reason why I will never be a famous actor... I cannot cry cute or pretty... I have a wobbly chin and my face just blows up...not so hot.

But anywho - that was how all that went down.  YAY.  Glad it is over.  Tucking this round of embarrassment way way way in the back of my mind.

As for all my little projects.... being 9 days away from my due date... they have been put on hold.  I am so itching so get at them and just go crazy... but I have this huge belly in front of me that makes bending and lifting a little harder.

And my partner in crime hasn't been home that much lately.  B has taken up another job to help finance some of these house projects we want done.  As much as I wish I had a house improvement budget like Jennifer Aniston... I unfortunately do not.  However, I do have a wonderful husband that has totally stepped up (without being asked to) and is working extremely long hours to help us get to the end result we both desire.  I love him to say the least. 

So for now I have cruising the pages of The Family Handyman which we inherited from a moving neighbor (I think we have magazines from 2003!!).  But I truly love this magazine, we do have a subscription with them and B and I usually fight over who gets to flip through first.  And I am proud that is it based in MN.  So if you haven't check it out... it is like those DIY shows - totally makes things look so simple that you totally over estimate what you really can do (or at least that is what happens to B and I) but great inspiration within those pages!

Hope everyone has a great weekend - I am going to have to find something small to do ... wish me luck.