Lessons Learned

"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes."    ~Horace

Lesson 1 of many to come:  

When your husband calls you at work, and tells you he is tearing walls down with his bare hands... and he mentions that there is nothing left in the house to drink except beer you might want to head home as fast as possible....

 and when he is using a circular saw on the wall - on a flimsy fold out ladder.... it might just be time to let him invest in a reciprocating saw... He did ask me not to post this and make him look like and idiot.  I obviously did not listen.
And that is the tail end of Burnie our dog that currently lives with Grandma Barb and has way too much fun chasing deer, raccoons and skunks out on their land.  She was trying to hide since she knew dad was making a mess and a huge hole in our house.

This was the office's closet now it is part of the larger bathroom.

Lesson 2: Some Times Short Cuts are Easier 

So When we bought this little fixer upper we had this patio/cave outside the kitchen.  It had 1x6's all the way around and  let in little to no sunlight.  What is the point of having a patio if is all boarded up (and painted a fugly baby poop brown)?

So one day I came home and noticed that the patio had been swept and my husband had his chest puffed out all proud.  Then after he told me he knocked down all the boards, I noticed that he knocked down all the boards...did not help his ego at all.

Anywho, we went to Home Depot and bought new railing and spindles to frame out the porch.  

Bryan measured, drilled and screwed each panel together one by one.  This is where there will be a lesson...you just have to be patient.

And this is the part of the story where I use this picture to over state how much I actually did on this project.  I built this whole thing from the ground up ... with my bare hands.... okay okay I just sanded.

And this is the finished project (minus paint), we were and are very proud of ourselves for actually finishing and getting this one done.  However, we feel slightly stupid.  Why you ask?  Because one day a few months after completion we walked down the fencing isle at one of the home improvement stores - and saw that they made pre-fabricated panels...


So, yes this project could have been way easier if we had just walked the full isle the first time around.  Lesson learned.