February 8, 2011

Missing my sister - the one who stole a dog

I am missing my sister like crazy.  Currently she is living in TX being a big kid with a job and all, and so I haven't seen her in a while and miss being ridiculous with her.  To give you an understanding of who she is... take my snarky-ness and times it by 10, and give her 6 inches over my 5'2" and you got a start.

One of my favorite things about her is that she is unapologetic about pretty much everything - if she thinks she is in the right.  For example - stealing a dog from kids.

Yes - she did this (I know you are gasping right now - thinking what a mean mean person - but just wait - the story does get kind of funny).  We come from a family of animal lovers.  Most of our animals have been strays and just needed love, Princess Mae Mae is another story.

My sister was driving down a road one day, and spotted this mangy looking dog with a pathetic thing called a tail running alone the side of the road.  Of course she stopped - we have seen too many puppies on the side of the road not moving to just leave a dog there.  The small black and white dog (looks like a mini boarder collie) hopped right in.  As my sister starts to close the door to the car she hears some kids yelling in the distance... this is where the story gets fuzzy.  She is not sure what they were yelling, could have been something along the lines of "that's our dog" or "go ahead and take the dog"  to close to call really.  Needless to say, Ellie slammed her foot on the gas and took off.

When Mae Mae came home - she looked like a hot mess- no hair on her behind, a stick for a tail and just plain ugly... and not the ugly only a mother could love...no she was fugly.  I could not believe my parents let Ellie keep the damn dog (mind you we never told my dad the true true story of Mae Mae...just that we found her along the road).

Needless to say Mae Mae has been spoiled - has a nice full tail - and is pretty much human - she has the attitude to prove it.  She gets Dairy Queen every Sunday...and looks like one of those bear footstools you see at the Caribou coffee shops.

So about 5-6 years later my parents moved North and my Aunt Mary was visiting.  Of course my mom had told her the true story of Mae Mae... but my Aunt didn't know my dad was still out of the loop on it all (it was for the best).  So of course when she first sees this dog, she says "oh is that the dog Ellie stole?"  Yes, my dad was in the room.  And yes my dad has a temper esp. if he has been lied to, or left out of things or feels like he was made to look like a fool.  I think we accomplished all of the above.

I believe, trying to make light of the situation I asked my dad if he really expected us to go back down to TX and put up signs saying "Was your dog stolen by my crazy sister?"  That didn't go over well, sometimes I don't think my dad gets my humor - or at least doesn't appreciate it like most do...

But I still love this story, love the fact that my sister does not feel bad for "rescuing" Mae Mae and love the fact this is what my sister and I do.  We leave our dad out of things and then mock him out of love.  We really do love him, sometimes it is just better leaving a few details out, like where we find our pets (I won't mention the time my sister told my dad she found a cat in a box by the mail box - that cat came from Polly's Pet Shop...).

P.S. I am quite aware that some may see this as plain evil - I see us more like the kitty/dog cops on Animal Planet - just minus the official badges...

Miss you and your shenanigans Ellie. 

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