February 6, 2011

Plumbing Merit Badge Awarded to my Husband

Yesterday started off to a rough start... My cousin and her boyfriend (Emily's love interest - Joe) were lovely enough to take Emily for the day - they had a fundraiser thing and needed a cute kid - Emily fit the bill :)... So we decided to take advantage of the free time and off to Lowes we went!

Our rules were - no more dreaming of the kitchen - we were there for one purpose - to finish the bathroom... where did we end up? The kitchen area dreaming.... And that is where Bryan decided he was going to be frustrated.  I am a very visual person and love thinking of things - Bryan is not.  So back to the bathroom area we went...the frustration followed.
Once there - we were again debating whether we could get a single unit vanity with 2 sinks (I hate this idea - but it would be easier on our plumbing).  Then we decided I would win this battle and have the two individual sinks, we started picking out the faucets - put them in the cart and everything.... and then realized the instant gratification we were seeking was not going to come out of non working sinks with pretty faucets.  We put the faucets back, and decided to get rid of one of our biggest headaches of the moment... THE DISHWASHER....

We hightailed it to Best Buy (across the road as luck would have it).  We purchased a new Samsung dishwasher!!!! And because my lovely cousin was still watching Emily we decided against delivery and went on a scavenger hunt to find the Best Buy warehouse to pick it up!

Well here we are on day two of the Dishwasher extravaganza - and we have had about 4 trips to Mendards (local hardware store).  Turns out having an old house means that your plumbing sucks - esp. if someone tried to flip the house on the fly...also, I am pretty sure we found a vacuum extension cord used in the wiring of the last dishwasher (might just be a small reason it died).  

So now we have a pipe cutter and know how to use it,  I have also learned how to shut off the water to the entire house (good for emergencies) and Bryan has become a master at plumbing!!! 

I don't know if you know how major this is for the Vargas household.  I don't cook that much...and I hate dishes... but even so the dishes stack up and no one wants to do them.  Our kitchen has been a disaster lately due to all the dishes (I am ashamed- really I am-but I hate dishes).  So this is huge.  

I have also decided, that I am going to rehab the current cabinets that are in the kitchen - I will be painting them and adding new hardware and cool storage stuff to make the kitchen workable.  I came to this realization when I figured out how many half projects we (I) have started and need attention... so instead of complaining and dreaming - I am going to be doing something doable and in our budget.  This way we can focus on the things we really need to finish and or start. My husband is grateful.

So to say thank you to my husband - I made caramel rolls this morning (the kind you get a tube - don't get too excited- we all know my cooking skill level).  

Betty Crocker better watch her ass - there is a new domestic goddess in the kitchen.  Oh and Bryan is now going by Bob Villa.  We might even try and get a reality TV show to show off our new skills. Name suggestions are always welcomed...we were thinking along the lines of Money Pit....

Pictures to come soon once I figure out how ;/


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