April 11, 2011

Stripes and no Stars

So, the good news, I found the love of my life.  The bad news - it is about $20 a square foot - yikes to say the least.  The good news, I have a small bathroom.  The bad news - I don't have a vanity, or the two vessel bowls and faucets I want yet (or the funds to go out and conqure this project once again).  But to give you a taste:

These lovelies are from waterworks.com- do you see why I am in love?  
This is the chest of drawers from Ikea that we plan to make our Vanity
With two of these on top....
 Ahh the dream.  At least I know what I want now.... Bryan and I were in a conundrum (do you like the big word - not even sure I used it right - but oh well - I slightly feel smarter just using it - even if it is wrong).  He didn't want stark white tile, he wanted a bit of color, I was okay with white if there was a bit of color on the wall... and then there is the vanity which is a shade of gray...then like the decor gods were smiling down on me, my first issue of This Old House showed up and guided me to waterworks.com ... bathroom tile solved.  Budget what budget?!?!

So to solve this issue of having to hold off on this project till the budget/financial gods smile down on me.... I am going to resort to my old friend... Paint.

As you all know I hate, hate, hate my kitchen.  One words sums it up. Yuck. Here are some befores (I have no afters as of yet...):

Right when we moved in, obviously we bought it as a "fixer upper"

This was about a little less than a month before Emily decided to show up.
This was my quick fix for my blood red kitchen/cave

It was better than nothing but now I am over it.

 So what are my plans?!? How do I make this slightly better than worse... well I have an idea... or two... I am thinking I can do these stripes no problem - a little tape, a little patience and maybe some husband help?

I am liking the idea of making the cave feel taller with the vertical stripes and it might even play well with the vaulted ceiling

Again I like the muted gray, esp. if I get my way with the green living room...

This I just thought was a great design - it instantly makes me happy - and I know it would instantly make Bryan unhappy...
 So yes, Stripes it is!  Might even paint my gross cabinets gray till we get a new set up going on... 

Maybe something like this?

And then there is my kitchen table that has been haunting me since last summer.  I found a great table off craigslist.com with great legs... I love it.  However it has remained in a state of limbo... it has been stripped and sanded but not painted.  Major sad face :(  I wanted to paint it black, white, gray, and yellow... and then today I have been re-inspired by this blog:


and her table here:

Cute right?
 So I am back to yellow!!! A soft yellow - not blaring school bus or electric yellow... now the question is - how well is Mr. Vargas going to play along?  I have already informed him that I have found my new project...

His response..."Do I even want to know?" 

To be continue....

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! That picture with the funky curved stripes around the molding is awesomely funky and totally reminds me of the stretching room at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. Maybe it's just me...
