December 10, 2011

Was I insane... I believe so.

Yesterday morning was shaping up to be a disaster.

Emily has been in a funk this past month.  Doesn't want to dance at dance class, tired at daycare wanting to be held all the time, and sad. Super sad all the time.  Did I mention the "tummy aches"?

Before I freak and think that there is something medically wrong, I decided a "special" day with mom at work might solve these blues....

We got ready (she perked right up from the morning glums).  We packed her bag with a portable DVD player, movies, Oreos, coloring book etc. And we were off.

In the back of my mind I wondered if this was a good idea... I am in no way shape or form a VP or VIP person at work and this might not have been the best idea I had... but I had already promised, and I dressed her really cute so everyone would instantly love her and so she could get away with a little more.... and maybe I could as well...

Success on the clothing choice, everyone loved her.  She got a bucket full of Candy from my boss's boss.  She called me on speaker phone from my boss's boss's boss... so over all I think it was a success but I still have that - oh crap did I step over my boundaries feeling in the back of my mind.

But I think we may have cured Emily's blues.  She got so much attention and felt super special with everyone loving on her and paying attention to her.  I truly work with some great people who are just awesome.... and it is nice to see the softer side of the boss's boss's boss...

I am thinking that the little brother has encroached upon some of Emily's attention and she may have been slightly jealous and sad.... hopefully so I really don't want anything serious to come out of these blues.

We are also starting up on PediaSure - just in case she needs a little extra pep in her step... and trying for a more strict bedtime.... but as everyone at work is now quite aware... it is very hard to say no to this child.

On the project side of things.... this is what I have been up to:

And this was the inspiration for Eli's room (granted we are going for an industrial feel for his room aka. pipes for curtain rods etc)

I love the string idea... and maybe nails might have been the better way to go, but working with copper wire and steal we thought screws were the better choice sine we actually want it to stay in the wall....

But sadly I have ran out of screws and wire so I must make a quick trip to Mendards and pick some more up to make the letters a little bit more fuller and actually finish his name!!!  The string probably would have given a cleaner line but we really do like the rougher look the wire gives....

So hopefully soon I will have that finished and I can brag about that!  Until then I will be frantically planning a birthday for my birthday girl who turns 3 tomorrow!!! Wish us luck I am not sure what is going to be worse ... the terrible twos or the sass I know I am going to face with a 3 year old!!!

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