March 19, 2012

Long Time No See

Wow it has been a while!  and believe me the project bug has been biting!!!

Spring officially showed up this past week (the kind that almost has you worried that there is a April/May snow storm headed your way cause the weather is just that good).  And so I have be digging in the dirt, looking for signs that my flowers made it through another season. 

I am glad to report that my bleeding heart made it, my delphiniums made it (these were the fickle ones I was worried about)... and all my dollar finds made it through!!!! I am a bit nervous about the peony bush I planted - but I guess patience is the best thing!!

Annnnnddd... I am back to tearing up the drive-way Bryan started last summer... Yeah.  Not sure how I feel about it mid process.  It just looks like a hot mess... but the way it has been pitched to me is that I am going to have a gorgeous big backyard for the kids to play in... it is currently a pile of crumbling asphalt...

I am also back to the kitchen... Let's start with the pretty pictures:

Oh yeah that is the chandelier that has been hiding in our basement for 3 years - the one that we bought with a lovely gift card to Crate & Barrel from our lovely friends for our wedding... yeah it has been that long.

We were hemming and hawing on where to hang it and trying to decide if it truly was an impulse buy gone bad.

Then I finished (okay okay it still needs poly) my kitchen table and I went down stairs to the basement and pulled this guy up...

And then for Valentines Day Bryan crawled up into the attic to get this thing hung up... it took a bit more time to get it wired (the light switch could have killed someone I swear) but now I can turn on and off the light and even dim if the mood is right ;)

However... the wires remain outside the ceiling and not inside... B is not in any hurry to climb back into the attic and army crawl across the beams if the light is "technically" not broken.  And he is waiting for my dad to come and help with that... so he says.

And now on to my newer project.  Okay I am back to sanding my  cabinets.  It is not a fun job to say the least.  But if I really want a kitchen that I am not ashamed of it must be done.

And what ever the last owner tried to stain the cabinets with YIKES.  They are the stickiest, nastiest, grossest cabinets ever.  And they are mine :(

But I have half of one side done and will just keep at it.

Yup.  Those are them.  But Bryan and I agree that the actually design will probably work really well with the table however it won't work with the color/stain they are now....

Goal is now to paint them a white/very light grey to give it a more updated fresh look.

I already want to crack open the primer for some instant gratification - but Bryan has kept me from it so far... which I know is best since it is good to go in the correct order... BUT I WANT IT SOOOO BAD.

But on to other things that I have been doing in the kitchen:
YEAH.  That is all me right there.  I made snow crab with a homemade butter sauce and rice (I have a rice steamer that has become my favorite thing ever!!).

Now if you remember I don't cook... I don't like the prep, I don't like waiting and I don't like cleaning. But somehow Bryan has tricked me into trying a few things out... And so has Pinterest.  And so has the need to eat healthier.

And without me trying new things I would be eating grilled chicken and iceberg lettuce day in and day out to "eat healthy" cause that is all that I know... So I have to stretch myself a little...(and yes I know  the butter sauce does not equal healthy but it does equal something new.

So we shall see if Bryan and I come down with food poising tonight or not...

And for the final catch up this is my little man who is not so little anymore:

He is the most needest, lovable, part bulldog little boy there is.  He has more wardrobe changes than Emily ever did due to soaking and sopping wet shirts... and I don't even know if we can totally blame teething... the boy is just full of drool plain and simple.

And he stood up all by himself today.  Boo - ya.

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