August 15, 2011

What Driveway? I Had a Driveway?

So remember when we were on that landscaping kick?  When my can do husband fix all the flowerbeds I destroyed... and then he decided to tear up my driveway and pile up all the asphalt?

Yeah those piles stayed around a little too long and didn't add to the beautification process of the neighborhood.

But that all changed this weekend... CAUSE IT WAS PARENTS TO THE RESCUE WEEKEND!!!!

Dad & Mom rolled in around 11:30 on Saturday with a wheelbarrow, chainsaw, shop broom, and Round-Up in the back of the truck... when mom mentioned that dad was bringing the chainsaw I got all giddy inside, like Christmas morning giddy.

So I had to do the tour of shame...also known as the tour of half finished projects.  Talk about embarrassing... mom at least has seen what I have done... this was dad's first introduction to my messes.  Gah.  It is one thing to have my mother lecture me about projects, but a whole other level when it is my dad.

"You need to focus"... "You need to start and finish one project at a time"  and my favorite "Why exactly did you do this" where all bits and pieces to the conversations I had with my dad....but the best was when my dad walked into our garage and exclaimed "Oh my god, Bryan does have a tool box".

So then after the tour we got down to business, and our "focus" was the outside aka. demoed driveway.  Dad and I tossed so many loads of broken asphalt I swear I almost lost all of the baby weight on Saturday (I did go and weigh myself after - no such luck).  Then after the closest pile to the large dumpster was done, my dad pulled out his man genius and found discarded wood on the side of our back garage and made a ramp to run the wheelbarrow up into the dumpster - yeah he impressed me with that one.  Two more piles of black top/asphalt down.

Then after a small beer break, dad whipped out the chainsaw... doesn't seem like the logical order but hey it worked for us :)  Then down went the two trees/over grown bushes that Bryan tried to cut down and kill 6 weeks ago...  chainsaw always wins.  Remember that.

Boom another finished project.

Then we turned our sights on the garage.  Yikes to say the least.  It was a mess made up of the previous owners stuff, all of our half finished project stuff and just crap to say the least.

I can now park another car in there, or have a huge area to work on projects such as my kitchen table.  YAY.

And then we quit for the day.  I don't think I could feel my feet that night.  Or my arms.

My lovely mother was super kind enough to deal with the two little ones. Eli gave her a run for her money and cried for the first 3 hours she was there - a milk coma had to be put into action - and then he slept for the rest of the afternoon :).

Mom thought a magic green chalk line would keep Emily from getting in the way of flying chunks of asphalt - yeah... she told her not to go past the daughter seriously drew her own line.  Take that Grandma Mimi.  I just had to laugh.

My parents are wonderful.  They saved my sanity this weekend.  Sometimes (all the time) Bryan and I bite off more than we can chew and get ourselves into these type of projects that seem too large to conquer so we just kind of stall out.  Luckily my dad saved our asses this weekend and I am no longer the neighborhood eyesore.

Did we get to the basement - nope - but I am starting to haul some drywall out and some paneling slowly but surely since we have the dumpster a few more days... but seriously to at least have that done in one day was just amazing.

Sunday, Emily got to swim in her first big girl pool at the hotel with Grandma Mimi.  For a daredevil of a child that she is, she was very cautious at first, sitting on the stairs and not wanting to go far out with grandma... but once she saw a little toddler boy looking at her (okay, he was seriously googly eyeing her down) she knew she was on show and that is when she got brave enough to jump into Grandma's arms and swim with her in the deeper area.

All it took was an audience - go figure.

So it was a great weekend, even better when my dad asked me what our next project to tackle was cause he wanted to be prepared with the right tools to get the job done when he comes down next... which means we didn't scare him off!!!!

I love my dad, even though talking to him on the phone is the most awkward thing in the world, and we both are super stubborn and have tempers like no other... he is my dad and saves me in a pickle or two like when your car is acting up, and your husband doesn't have a clue what it could be.  He is also great to make fun of with your sister (we mock him any time we are around him- it is just so easy sometimes), so basically he is a great dad with a chainsaw.

Love you Mom & Dad.

And in case you are wondering - our next project is the bathroom.  We will get this room done.  I swear!

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