August 10, 2011

Working on my Karma

So our grass has gotten out of control and we finally got our mower guy out to start mowing ....

Except my garage (the way back one that is the squirrel love nest) was still open and is an eye sore and huge embarrassment. 

So as I was running outside to shut the portal to hell with my shoe laces still untied I saw this thin flutter beside the garage in the grass.  I of course go to check it out cause I am as curious as a cat...

It was a little injured sparrow who could slightly get into the air but looks to either have a floppy neck or a broken/sprained wing.  And to build up the drama in this story - our guy was just turning the corner on his riding lawn mower right where the bird tired to fly.... but I being the animal lover dove in front of this machine of doom and scooped up the little bird (okay it took me 3 or 4 attempts to "scoop" up the bird since I didn't want to hurt it more or send it into shock... but that is a minor detail).

So after the dramatic rescue, I found last year's Easter basket and put the tiny thing in it with a towel over the top to help it "relax".  I called my husband to tell him all about it - since this is the highlight of the day (TV between 11- 2 is less than thrilling).

He was less than impressed.  And wasn't thrilled that I put the basket in Eli's room since the bird could carry infectious diseases etc.  Someone has watched that damn monkey movie Outbreak a little too much...  He told me to go put the bird back in the way back of our yard that still resembles a jungle and let the "survival of the fittest" take its course...

Don't worry Grandma Barb, I did move the bird to the office/storage room... you and B can now rest at ease...

He does not understand Karma... and I need all the Karma I can get right about now - second round of interviews is scheduled for Friday at 2.  I want this job - and need all the help I can get - and if saving a little bird from a terrible and ugly mower death tips me just over the top of good vibes - I am so going to take it.

However, I did try this once when I was a younger person in high school.... which Bryan kindly reminded me of.  The bird's name was Bubba and he was found at the high school track fallen out of his nest... of course I took him home too and he did quite well - until I left his cage right next to an open window on a cold day.  Yeah, pretty sure he died of phenomena... Karma did not like me so much then.

Update: My mother, kindly informed me that my bird did not die of phenomena but pneumonia ...laughing at myself right now and embarrassed as hell ... hope this all makes you aware that spell check can fail you - majorly.

But I have had success with Hawks - didn't name that one but he flew off into the sunset and that is not a metaphor for death - he actually survived my "rescue".

So I am hoping a little rest will help this guy and my rescue track record can improve....

Bryan also said to let Thomas the man cat in and to see who won... but I told him that Thomas had already brought home a mouse and that he does not need to be spoon fed.  I love my cat, I really do... he brings me gifts of love.

Update 2:  The bird f'in died on me.  Where am I going to get my karma now?!  However, the bird did die fashionably well in a pink gingham Easter basket... if you have to go not a bad way...okay I am just trying to make myself feel better :(

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