March 18, 2011

Big Girl Undies

So I stopped by Target last night to pick up some rain boots for Emily, and of course the smallest size they had were the green ones with the googly eyes...not the cute pretty flowery ones - boo. But anyways that obviously lead me down the little girl's isle.

And so I thought - "hey, this is a great time to pick up some big girl undies for Emily and really go after this potty training thing!" So I picked up some Hanes (not the Disney or Nickelodeon character undies since I didn't want to spend an extra $4 for the licensing fee - no thank you!)

So I get home and Emily is just thrilled beyond words - new boots and new big girl undies - huge day in Emily's world.  She wore them all night - just the undies and the boots.  Talk about being in heaven.

So when na-nighs (bedtime) rolls around I can't get Emily back into her pull ups for over night... a battle of epic proportion ensues and I start to regret my genius idea of big girl undies.

Finally, I get her back into the pull ups and in bed.  and after reading a few scandalous (very scandalous - like make you blush- I can't believe I am reading this but it is soooo good scandalous) chapters of the new vampire series I have started to read, I was out too. That is until about 3 am.  Bryan heard Emily start to cry and went to check on her.....

Then brought back a naked baby.  Turns out Emily still wanted to be a big girl and wear her big girl undies to bed.  She stripped down out of her pajamas and had a few pair of undies around her when Bryan found her.... Too bad she had a small accident :( All she really wanted to do was to be a big girl...

However, the really amazing part of the story is that Bryan kept all his "I told you so's" and passive aggressiveness to a bare minimum during the process of stripping her bed and getting her into bed with us... if you know anything about our relationship this is an amazing feat.

Bravo to B who kept his cool doing our first "accident".

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