March 3, 2011

Do you ever feel like you are drowning in emails?!?!

So I am sitting here - avoiding doing work and staring at my inbox.  I have this violent urge to delete every one of my 1,000 plus emails and start fresh.  Just send out a mass email to the world that say "What do you need from me? What have I forgotten? and... Really you can't figure this one out on your own?"

I feel like I am caving.  I can't keep up with being super mom, okay way exaggerating there... I don't cook and Finding Nemo has become my morning savior... but on to my rant... I can't be the super worker at work, and to top it all off I still have a mullet I am trying to grow out and am at the stage of pregnancy where I do not feel cute, pretty or sexy.  And I am pretty sure my eye is going to start twitching any second....

But really, I know I just have to take a step back and realize that I can't do everything, can't be everything to everyone and just have to buck up suck it up have a diet mtn dew and get on with it. 

I just wish I could actually do it.  I don't like letting people down, I do have a hero complex where I do like to save the day and be the one person people can count on...but my cape is slipping and I am pretty sure I can't fit into the spandex super hero outfit anymore (it would be pretty comical to see wonder woman with a baby bump - I am just sayin'). But I am at a loss... I feel drained.  I feel like I could cry on cue - and I really wish I was one of those cute criers but I am I am going to try and hold it in for the good of mankind...

So until I figure out how to master all of this I am just going to take my frustrations out on a large box of Red Vines - you know they are fat free right?

P.S.  Found the next best thing to deleting emails - just file them away and pretend you read them :)

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