March 5, 2011

So on to some good news!!!

No- we haven't decided on a name....but Bryan did pretty well on the LSATs - he can definitely get into a few law schools up here but is planning on taking them again in June to get a better score hoping for more scholarship opportunities...

Why do we automatically think he would do better next time around?  Cause the fool that I call my husband didn't study this time around... again this is why we have the love hate relationship- he is extremely good at being book smart, but may lack in the life smarts category... I make up for that in the relationship ;)

But anyways I am super proud of him, we can actually start moving forward with the Law School plans and just yay!  

AND - the bigger exciting of the news of the day....dun dun dun.... my husband got us tickets to the Home and Garden expo this weekend!  I am so excited to go and get some great ideas from pros....I know you are confused here....thinking "but wait Megan, aren't you guys home improvement pros with licenses etc?"  oh you guys are so silly but flattering... we are anything but pros...

But I am so excited to go since the f 'en groundhog seemed to have gotten it wrong...Winter decided to hang around a bit longer than I would like -grrrr. 

And on a side note - I don't get the new Britney Spears music video - not impressed by the dancing, editing and what she is trying to do with here image.

But you should listen to this: I Follow Rivers

My sister who has a pretty good ear turned me on to her a year or two ago and I have not been disappointed.  The new CD is fabulous - just my opinion- which you can take or leave :)

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