July 29, 2011


Yesterday was chaos...

It was decided that yesterday was going to be "show the baby off day" and instead of just doing one of our workplaces, I chose to do both, insane I know.

So Bryan left to work at 6 am.  Leaving me to get everyone up, ready and presentable.  Eli had his cute little blue outfit on, I quickly (note the quickly) threw Emily into a dress her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Andrea sent her (her favorite this month - we wear it about 3 times a week).  We brushed our teeth, brushed our hair and then packed everyone up in the car.

The car ride went fantastic, no tears, nada. And then we arrived at B's work.  I had called him in advance to help me unload the kids and just to help...well as he was lifting Emily out of her car seat a face of horror swept over his face. 

He looked at me and asked "SHE IS NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR?!?!?"

Inside my head I was going "F@#k.... F@#k....Sh*t" 

And then she twirled for dad.  And he nearly died.  We then instructed her not to twirl anymore. 

We almost got away with it.  But if you know anything about a two and half year old they like to climb, twirl, and tumble around.  I then had to explain myself and my lack of expertise on the parenting front.

And then I had to relive the horror at my work.  Luckily everyone is quite aware of my parenting flaws and love me anyways (or at least they just like me around for the entertainment value). 

So yes, we survived people got to meet Eli, Emily got plenty of attention and played up to it every chance she got and I feel like an awesome parent who forgets to put her kid in underwear...

Luckily she is potty trained and we had no accidents, otherwise I am sure my maternity leave would have been extended indefinitely.  Yay for parenting.

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