So after my doctors appointment yesterday, where my lovely doctor did give me an end in sight (the 14th if this little booger doesn't come on his own before then) I kind of went crap. My house is in total chaos.
I had balls from Emily's ball pit everywhere. Laundry piling up from god knows where, I have only 3 outfits that fit right now... and dishes that seem to be never ending. I swear I would love to know that others have these moments where they just stare in amazement and ask themselves "I live like this?!?!"
That was yesterday. So I figured I better get on it. I really hate leaving my house to go anyway and come back to it in the same state of chaos. And so heading to the hospital with a yuck house was not an option...even after calling my mom about something else and mentioning it, and her saying well "I'll be there..."
I know she will be. But something called pride is just getting in the way of letting my mother fold my underwear at 27 (I am not yet rounding up to 28 even though that is a week away)....
So I decided my bedroom was a great place to start since the living room is dominated by Emily and her toys...
Well, after loading the washer and dryer and clearing the room of all nonessentials... I got out the broom and dust pan...and went after all the dust bunnies under the bed.
Yeah, if all I found were scary dust bunnies it would have been all good. But we have to keep in mind I have a lovely man cat that loves to bring home "surprises".
I recently had a bird waiting for me in front of my washer and dryer down in the basement. He also had just trotted across the street with a vole (a cross between a mole and a mouse) in his mouth....I made Bryan dig me a hole for that burial.
But yesterday I had the pleasure of a double whammy. First sweep brought out a bunny tail...(in my mind I was already mentally preparing with a major F@CK going through it). Second sweep a bird's wing - just one.
At this point I just shoved the bed way across the room (don't worry it was light and we have wood floors). And TADA. A bird's head and a bird's wing. Luckily it wasn't "messy". Oh and right when I thought the carnage was done ... I found one bird's leg.
Did I mention that my cat is declawed (just the front paws - and no I don't need a debate about how cruel this is- believe me this cat can fend for himself - and he was suppose to be an inside kitty - tell him that). He is a killer. But I love him....just not the gifts he brings home.
I know, from these pictures you can't really picture this cat as the murderous serial killer cat that he is..
I am pretty sure if I had found the wishbone it would have meant that I was going into labor, but no such luck.
Needless to say the deep clean continues today. MY lovely cousin Melissa has offered to watch Emily so I can catch up on a few things, relax and maybe have a few minutes without Bug's Life on. She gets a gold star for the day.
that dust bunny picture cracked me up! i miss you, lady!