June 6, 2011

My Mother is Going to Kill Me

So, I can picture my mother shaking her head right now as she is reading this.  She kind of knows my history of starting and not ending projects... and this is a doooo-sey.

We we driving home from our first day at gymnastics aka. jump on a trampoline and sing the abc's class when as we turn on to our road.... I saw it. Or them....

A couch. A love seat. And a chair.  the kind that look great from a far and not so hot up close... but I have a vision... and maybe a plan...

 So this is the loveseat,  the cushions are in the garage (I know I know not the greatest place for them but it will do for now) because Emily wouldn't let us put them back on.  The couch was already in the garage since I had only so much strength and B had to use it wisely... but it will have 3 cushions in total.

My end plan is to have a professional reupholster them to look something like below. I found this on StitchesByLiz blog but it looks like she stopped blogging - but thank god she had this image of her couch - dead ringer for mine except her's is finished and mine is so not close...

 And this is the matching chair... yes I have a whole set!!! and you want to know how much?  FREE... and this is where my mother would say "There is nothing free about a free pet."  Well, this is my pet project and yes there will be $$$ put toward having these pieces reupholstered... but they will have exactly the look and feel B and I want for the same amount as a new couch - and we are keeping them out of a landfill and breathing "new life" into them... I feel like a god... okay okay no I really don't but it is fun to have a small amount creative input into the furniture that you bring into your home.

You like how I just convinced myself that this pick up was a wise decision?  I am good like that.

This is the fabric I am thinking about:

And maybe a little inspiration from these pillows:

The poodle pillow was found on Etsy by ekofabrik... 

I am so excited about this find.... go me and my luck today!  Now I just need to find someone reasonable (as in price) who wants to make my couch, loveseat and chair beautiful again... impossible?  We shall see...

1 comment:

  1. i love everything about those couches! they are going to look amazing when you're done with them. :)
