June 15, 2011

Remember this project?

Remember this guy?

yeah... it has been a while.




And finally painting:

And TADA!  It is purple.  I won the battle with B... kind of.  When we took out the baby furniture out of Emily's room it kind of left a big hole in the room... nothing was placed quite right and it was missing something.

So at first I primed a half table from Ikea that I had from the college years to put in Em's room.... Then B liked it in the kitchen...so that option was out.  Then we talk a little and decided that my Grandpa's desk that was originally set to go back into the office would be just the ticket.  It was going to be black, maybe gray or white ... but in now way was it ever going to be the eggplant/plum purple I wanted.

Well, Emily's room has a lot of colors pinks, greens, yellows and now a lilac purple from the Lauren Ashley bedding that I used to have in my own room.  Well I went off that lilac purple - and found Rustoleum's French Lilac BINGO!

I have the perfect color and Emily has a new desk... minus a little bit of hardware but that is coming this weekend.... I was just a little too excited to be almost done with one of MY projects - I jsut had to brag a little!

We moved the bed from the other wall and will be centering the shelf with her name, I like the balance and am hoping her not looking out the window at night might cut down on the nightmares.

Missing a little bit of extra, but it is getting there :)

Dad had just given her a purple Popsicle. Sarcastic YAY.

So yay.  I am happy.  B is happy and I think Emily is pleased.  Can't wait to get the hardware back on and a few little nick nacks to add a little bit of extra to the desk - oh and I need a little chair or bench...

Craigslist here I come.

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