June 8, 2011

New Favorite thing of the Moment

CB2 Bubble Balls

Yeah.  How can you not love this bit of whimsy?  CB2 (same parent company as Crate and Barrel) carries these lovely bubble balls for a relatively reasonable price $1.95 for the 4" and $3.95 for the 6"....  They even have a how to for the wreath they made on their blog below:

How to Make CB2's Bubble Wreath

Or you could almost do the same thing with Christmas ornaments (plastic or glass or even any color your really desire when you think of it)  but I still love this idea from them and am currently trying to think of a place I could introduce this into my home.

Yes I know what you are thinking - get rid of the TV and put up some prettiness on that fabulous new white fireplace... you tell that to my 2 year old who has now moved on from Shark Tale to Lion King (how many times today?  ohhhhh at least 3 in a row).  Hmmmm must think....

Now I must go stalk their blog to see if they have anymore fabulous ideas to steal.  Thank you Katie Anderson for introducing me to CB2 and wasting a 1/4 of the day browsing their website with me at work (and for those who really work with me - it is really like 2 minutes - promise - okay might be lying but shhhhhh don't tell).

OMG - they have bubble strands too!!! (Imagine teenage squealing)


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