So Bryan is at work today, making up for taking off Monday to cut down trees and to destroy our driveway... so of course I am itching for a project that I can do on my own...
And for once, it is a gorgeous day here in MN - no rain in site.
But all my projects need strong hands to either lug my kitchen table outside to be primed - carry out my grandpa's desk to get primed etc.
So I have been stalking Craigslist's Free section - looking for a score. I feel like a druggie. But guess what I found.... Free Hostas.
I have sent the "I am interested email" and am just waiting on a response. I am hoping for a win. The last Hosta haul was such a success and I would love to fill up some of our new garden space that is quite empty as of right now. Remember we are going for "Lush" and black mulch helps - but there is a rumor that green (alive) plants help more.
So as we wait, Emily and I are going to test out our new inflatable pool that is on our patio that B blew up last night. She even got a new suit to model... Pictures to come.
UPDATE: Didn't get even a response to the first posting, was super disappointed, felt like a Craigslist looser AGAIN... but I kept looking, and looking, and looking. Then finally accepted my defeat and went outside with Emily to water our own Hostas and play out side.
Then as Bryan was driving home from work, he called and we started to discuss my defeat and also what we both found on Craigslist, when BAM!!! I found another listing for "A LOT OF FREE HOSTAS" as I told Bryan where in Minneapolis he says "I AM PRACTICALLY RIGHT THERE!!!"
So I texted him the address and google mapped it - and guided my man to the location. It totally felt like reconnaissance work, and that I should have been wearing camo tank with mud smeared on my face and a laser beam leading my husband to the target... but I was just in stretchy pants and and large T since that is about all that fits me right now...
MAJOR SCORE!!! B says, the front seat, the back seat and the back of my car are filled with Hostas!!! It is like Christmas in Summer and I am giddy as hell for my Hero to come home with my plants!
Take that non responder Craigslist poster! I got me some free Hostas!!! BOOYA. And yes I am doing some booty shaking over this one.
And that center one - is just one of the many many huge Hostas my husband came home with. Ya - FOR FREE. We did another project in the back - but waiting for the Hostas to rebound before those pictures are posted (sad Hostas look really really sad so we planted and watered).
And hopefully soon I can post pictures of Emily without dirt on her face or without worms in her hands.....
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