June 26, 2011

Craigslist Win? Lose? or Draw?....That is the question...

I am learning that Sundays are the best days for free Hostas... seriously I am going to have a great garden next year once all of the Hostas have time to adapt and grow to their liking...

Scored 3 more Hostas today off of Craigslist for Free... I love the word free right now... I love Free projects too...

So there is my first score for Craigslist for the day.  Pretty good.  Then I stumbled on to this guy...

He...(I gave him a "he" since he looks so sturdy and what is the word? Strong?  Maybe) but anyways enough about the gender of this piece... He is free.  He is a "curb alert" which means he is sitting on the side on someone's driveway waiting for me to come and pick him up.

Trouble is... he is in Savage.  My daughter is napping.  Oh and I am due in exactly two weeks and I am sure that even if I could load this bad boy up into my car... I would get scolded by not only my husband, mother and all my distant relatives... but I would probably be scolded most by my co-workers who really would like me to last these last two weeks.

The other bad news about being a "curb alter" is that other people have access to my prize and that the person discarding this table won't be holding it for me.

Back up plan A: Be prepared to be disappointed

Back up plan B: Already texted the hubby requesting that his day at work be over - and that he might want to pick up this table for me...

Back up plan C: Be prepared to be disappointed that my husband does not get off work early, and that some other DIY crazy has picked up my table.

My odds are not good.  (As I am typing this I am continually refreshing my Craigslist page to see if it has been removed - so far so good.

UPDATE: and it is gone.  Today turns out to be a draw.

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