May 22, 2011

As it turns out it was not Dooms Day...Just a Project Filled Rainy Day

Whew... dodged a bullet with that one!  Is it slightly funny that the master mind behind this whole dooms day has not been seen before or after the failed prediction?  Maybe he is holed up in a bunker some where.  However, I do feel bad for all the followers that have been disappointed and that donated or had been suckered out of their life savings for those billboards, just devastating when you look at it from that point of view.

But on the the good news, it was just a rainy day yesterday...which turned into a beautiful sun-filled afternoon/evening.

My husband, knowing I needed a project caved into a green living room...I had the paint swatch picked out and everything.  When we got there (Menard's) we started to backtrack - $45 in paint or just finish up a few project at home that we already had supplies?  We went the smart route and decided to head home and finish sanding my Grandpa's desk, my kitchen chairs etc.

Well, that was the plan.  I was even going to get the primer out... Until the Sun came out... and Emily decided to be a wonderful child and take a nap.

Then suddenly my project day turned into Bryan's project day... not that I am complaining at all (however, I would have loved my green living room).  But in all honestly, I will take any help I can get from Mr. Vargas...esp. physical labor help...

So yes... we were outside landscaping again:

 This is what we accomplished... Monday?  Tuesday... can't remember.  Last year I had split some of my Hostas that were in the front garden and replanted them around this tree.  Well they got mowed over about a dozen times by the kid we hire to mow the lawn.  Even after asking him not to, and showing him where the plants were.

Well, we showed him.  We dug out all the weeds and the extra grass that was crowding my Hostas and then laid down landscaping fabric around them (it is much easier to plant after you lay the fabric down - but again - do we do things the easy way - oh no no no - we find the hardest way possible).  And Wall-a I have a pretty tree and pretty Hostas that are going to love me.

We will also be adding edging to the Emily Tree - where Thomas the Man Cat has now claimed as his own.  I am pretty sure he likes to play jungle kitty in my plants...

Then on Saturday, when the Sun decided to show up we went after the backside of our house:
It was a mess back there.  Bryan asked me to take "strategic" pictures so it didn't look quite as bad...  Again we pulled out the old landscaping fabric (from eons ago) that no longer kept weeds etc out.  Dug out all the mess around my dollar bushes that I got last year at the end of the season at Menard's.  Yeah - each a buck!!!! And they made it through winter!!! So that lovely white bush in the lower left hand side of things - yeah my three bushes will eventually be that beautiful.  I am excited to say the least.

And the real reason as to why this weekend was a success:
I got to sneak a peak at these quite a bit.  And that booty is not too shabby either. 

Funny fact of the day:  Bryan is an identical twin.  It is true.  I have been able to tell them apart for the longest time, but from behind they look very similar except for a few scars on the back of their heads (I think they both fell out of a tree at some point - but at different times...).  Anywho, the one and only time I got them confused was way back in high school when I snuck up behind Ryan, thinking it was Bryan, and grabbed a little ass.

It was not Bryan.  And I was mortified.  Did not make that mistake again....However, the one major benefit about dating/being married to a Vargas boy is that they do have mighty fine behinds.  Just my personal opinion, but I believe Ryan's wife also agrees ;)

But back to my projects - yeah - I am sure you are wondering how that desk is looking - and that darn kitchen table is looking....

It is looking like Choas:

But it is getting there... I sanded a bit more...removed some cushions and getting my load ready for priming.  No I do not want to prime by hand.  I plan of using my Wagner Paint Pro - however, the primer I want to use is oil based...needs to be thinned out and then there is the clean up process.  So I want to get all of the items I would ever want primed ready to go in one attempt thus one clean up.  We might be using Memorial Weekend for that project.

And I still have to decide on what color to actually paint it all, so time is actually my friend right about now.

Also, have you noticed my new skill?  I know - professional college maker... took me about half the day to actually figure out how to do it - but I figured it might make my blog a little bit more readable and a little less long... What new skill awaits me next week - who knows - but know this - I will add professional to the tittle!!!

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