May 3, 2011

Prep, No Action

Life is slowly catching up to me, I am pooping out faster.  I finally sucked it up today and got the form for the car pool lot... I do not car pool... turns out my lovely company gives poor large prego ladies a free pass for parking close to the door.

This is great esp. when I am late for a meeting (most every morning - I am usually right on time or not - mostly late).  Did I mention I have an 8:30 meeting tomorrow morning and that I have a two year old who loves not to wear undies or pants right now (a good 15 minute battle right there)?  So this is perfect timing....

So hopefully, by saving a little energy not walking a mile and a half from the parking lot (if you are late to work you get the crap spots) maybe I will have a bit more energy for my projects!

Today we were back at Menard's to pick up the following:
Yes!!! More sandpaper for "Reno" (FYI you have to throw a gangster Mexican accent to it when you say it) some wood glue for the kitchen table and wood filler.

So I am set to get the desk and the table on the go except we had to have a driving detour, why you ask?  Because Bryan has made friends with the Mormons who stop by our house with pamphlets every week. Every Week.  Granted, they are very nice young men, have great manners and are not too pushy...I think this is why Bryan cannot ask them not to come back.

I on the other hand run and hide in the bedroom or pretend to be busy with Emily, so I have to give credit to Bryan to dealing with them.  But, I do have some issues with the faith, as I do with many others - and this is not to turn into a religious debate by any means - but I would love it if people would respect my faith and space and not try to convert me every week.  I respect everyone and their faith and do not try to force my beliefs on anyone else (by the way I believe in aliens - just ask my dad and my previous post - please know I am being totally sarcastic). But I would like that respect back, believe me I know my thoughts and beliefs are not everyone's cup of tea.

But back to the story, as we were driving home we saw them at our door step... So being the non confrontational couple we are... we kept on driving and decided it was the perfect opportunity for an ice cream run!!! God works in mysterious ways - they had banana ice cream - my favorite.

So obviously no time for the desk, the table or the kitchen cabinet doors, so me being brilliant went to work on the kitchen table chairs:
 After pulling our all of these from the ugly thing below:
 I found this - believe it is original and was probably pretty in its time... and then someone had the genius idea to cover it up with - I don't even know how to describe the fabric above....ugliness.
 Yes, this was also nailed down good and tight with a staple gun as well....Sigh and I thought this was going to be easy.  Not quite.
 And after taking off the second layer of fabric I nicely asked my husband if he would grab me our staple gun that is in the garage.  He said no.  I asked him why he put on his "project pants" if he wasn't going to participate in any projects,  I may have called him a Poser as well.  Notice exhibit A below:

A. The remote in his hand. and no that paint is not not be fooled.
 So here is where the cushion remains.  The painter's drop cloth draped over a foam insert pretending to be finished...
And that is where my night is going to have to end since I do have an 8:30 meeting tomorrow and I am hoping to actually get there a little bit early (5 minutes is considered early for me).  Wish me luck and I will see you tomorrow!

Update: 15 minutes late :(  Darn you traffic from hell.

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