May 6, 2011

I am so nervous

I found these pair of chairs on craiglist.  I want them sooooo bad.  The best part - they are free and Bryan has already given his approval...
 But I haven't heard back yet, so I am in panic mode.  They posted at 2:40 something in the morning and the post was still up, I am hoping it got buried by the other posts.

Another factor that may be in my favor: the description of "Pair of Solid Chairs". I am hoping it didn't clue anyone in on the awesomeness of these chairs...

And again back to the timing of the post, I am hoping the lack of response is because they work wacky hours and are saving these chairs esp. for me.  I am almost ready to send Bryan out into the dark night to pick these suckers up if they respond at 2 am (really - I would really ask - knowing full well that I would get denied instantly-but I would ask none the less).

So now I am trying to convince myself that I still have a chance at these, that the furniture god is looking down at me.  But we shall see... wish me luck!!!!

P.S. Mother's Day came early - huge ugly AC unit is out of my wall and I now have a "window" next to a window.  I really can't believe Bryan did this on his own - but I am glad he did.  Pictures tomorrow!

Update: Lots of responses to "Pair of Solid Chairs" boo.  If the first, second and bazillionith person doesn't pick them up they are all mine... I am going to chaulk this one up to a loss.

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