May 8, 2011

Craig's List Loss, Craig's List Win and a Dandelion Massacre

So as you may know, I had a devastating blow the other day. I fell in love and had it ripped someone who responded sooner than me to a craigslist ad. Sure sure you say, fair is fair and I was too late. Well, not in my mind!!! I was robbed.

So Saturday, I stalked Craigslist. I was going to win at something (and I was hoping that the chairs would magically reappear) and I did. I got me some free hostas - 5 big bundles of them. I saw the posting and pretty much forced Bryan and Emily out the door to race 1.2 miles to pick up the hostas. I was going to win, had to win. I needed the pick me up. And I got it.

Yes, they are already in the ground and have pretty new mulch around them.  They now lay around the Emily Tree.  So there is one major score for this weekend.  Happy Mother's day to me!

Second big score of the weekend?  The ugly A/C that has been mocking me for the past two years magically made its way out of my wall and now I have a window beside my window. 

This was a total surprise, Bryan managed to pull the sucker out all by himself (with the help of a bag full of leaves).  Bryan first propped it up from the outside with a piece of wood, thinking it come out from the outside...nope.  He had to think quick, because he wanted to surprise me before I got home.....So the genius that he is (read sarcastically) found my 3 bags of leaves outside... he figured this would break the A/Cs fall and not break my husband's there is a small mess in my kitchen...

Yes Genius I tell you.  But he did get it out.  He did good.

3rd score of the weekend?  The paint sprayer (Wagner Paint Crew) that we thought we ruined last year - is in full working condition...after we unclogged the hose, the hopper and the return tube-y thing... LUCKY.  That is all I have to say.

We did not clean up as well as we should have after painting our house - due to someone's (Bryan's) eye going all wonky on us (ulcers on both corneas) so it became less of a priority at that time.  The painter stayed in the garage all winter -  I do not recommend doing this at all.  Never ever.  We got lucky - and now I feel like my projects are going to get done!!!!

I even bought 2 spray cans of primer to test out before I bought a ton to use in the sprayer... this was my outcome:
Do you see that?  Progress in the right direction!!!!
yeah, thinking the chairs might stay white - if you are counting that is probably the 523 time I have changed my mind ... and you notice that dark spot - that is a dirty two year old's hand print --- might have to think of a new strategy for the cushion cover.  However, I am thinking if I go with the current plan of adding number stencils to it - it might mask dirty hands... who knows.

And on top of all of that, there was a massacre on my lawn this morning.  I guess if you have one actual spring day up here in MN all the dandelions come out to ruin it.  Well lucky for me, I woke up at 6 am thing morning and decided I would not stand for it!!!

With my spare time I pulled those suckers up by the roots and now I no longer look like the neighbor with the shabby yard, however this was still not good enough for my one neighbor who never waves, smiles or talks to two plus years.  She drove by 3 times while I was outside. Boo on her.  I should have thrown the weeds on to her yard...I am being ugly I am quite aware of it.  She was ugly first.

Also, to end this post on a high note, the Mormons got Bryan again.  However, I give the man points - major points.  When they asked if he had any questions...

Bryan responded by asking " Do Mormons believe in multiple marriages? I have avoided this question for a while, just so I wouldn't seem too eager....".

Got to love him, and I would have loved to have seen their faces.

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