May 20, 2011


After a little store visit in the rain, yes it is raining again and plans to do so for the entire weekend (boo), and finishing up a few things at work... I am planning to do a major overhaul of the house.

We have been focused on the outside landscaping (focus - what focus?!?!) and my house is looking like a disaster zone.

I have a half dismantled kitchen table in my kitchen, I have kitchen cabinet doors propped up on a wall in the kitchen and mud tracked in from every entry way possible.  Let's not even get into my bedroom.

My house needs some love... so it is a good thing that it is raining... I guess.  I am also trying to see this as a positive - and wondering what fabulous thing I can almost finish - Bryan is still in project mode (we cleared around our large tree and mulched last night - another score) so I am going to try and take advantage of it while I can.

On the parenting side of things... potty train is not going super well. Yes we are in the "naked period" but that also means she is naked outside... and outside is a great place to poop.  Image me horrified grabbing my too cute daughter and running inside saying "HOLD ON!!! HOLD ON!!!" and plopping her down on the big girl toilet aka. the Dora insert that is obviously pink, obnoxious but again saves my daughter from falling in booty first into the toilet.

We had a nice discussion about how we go potty on Dora, and not outside... discussion continued this morning as well.

So not getting a gold star in parenting.

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