So yesterday, after my new window was installed and Bryan was still in project mode (yay for me!!!) he continued to play in the yard. an continued to find more worms for Emily. I am totally fine with this because she is outside. He is outside and we are making so much progress out there.
My mom is coming into town tomorrow and I am thrilled to show her what I/Bryan has done with the landscaping. And she is providing some much needed babysitting...
Did I mention that Bryan lets Emily climb around in his car to keep her busy while we complete some of our projects? Yeah today she pulled off his rear view mirror. He was angry I saw it in his eyes, but he knew it was his fault, knew he could only blame himself.... I being the super smart wife also knew not to mention this.
And what did I do today minus trying to manage two Dr. appointments - fixing my work laptops internet connection and trying to actually do my job? I planted liatris!!!
I am slightly concerned about how big they might get and how close I planted them... but the little bulbs or what ever were small - and I want a real saturated look.
Did I also mention that I had to google how to tell the top from the bottom of the bulbs - and then decided plant them on their side for a 50/50 chance. I just might not award myself with a master gardener award this time...
We shall see what pops up... but I did do really well with these guys:
and then I stole these from my neighbor's bush that was growing over the fence - thank you very much:
So I am ending my day on a good note - flowers everywhere!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend! And yes I am quite jealous of all of you who can drink and really enjoy their holiday with a cold beer... oh so jealous. Did I mention I was jealous?
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