Oh wow I am glum.
Maybe it is work stress, maybe home life stress... maybe it is the fact that my daughter is clever enough to stack boxes to get to the freezer to get her "freezies". But I am about done. I have hit my limit and would like to lock myself in a bathroom with no kids, no husband, no phone or laptop with a bottle of Riesling and forget the world for a bit... or for a long while.
It honestly doesn't feel like the Holidays to me right now (the day before Christmas Eve) and I sometimes wonder if I feel this way, how many others in not such a good spot must feel? And I have to get over it fast. But these glums have got to go!
Bryan and I have started our New Year's Resolution a bit early this year out of necessity. We are trying to be fiscally responsible so that we can start to afford some of our dreams.... and I am going to tell you it is not fun. Not at all. But it is doable and we have to, if we want to reach our goals in a timely manner.
This means I have to start cooking (turns out making your own meals can be cheaper than eating out every night - go figure!). I have mastered the rice cooker... and found some fabulous brow rice that is very very similar to P F Chang's brown rice... now I have got to think of things to go with it - - - That I have the patience to cook and can actually cook.
That is the thing, I hate every part of cooking minus the eating part. Prep- takes too long, I like my food now... thank you very much. Cleaning - I really don't need another thing to clean when I have a 3 year old and a 6 month old. Soooo that leaves me with very little options...
But I am slightly willing to change. And I think if I can start cooking a bit - I can start managing my weight a little more since I know what is going into my body and there will be a lot less fries making their way in!
Gah - now off to fight these blues - and to fight some more laundry.
I haven't decided yet if I will use this blog for good or evil, maybe a little of both...but I am sure it will have stories that I might embellish a bit...household adventures that my husband and I wrongly think we can undertake and few rants about my husband planning to name our new baby Guillermo...sigh.
December 23, 2011
December 18, 2011
And I am Over Christmas a Few Days Too Early
Since finding my new best friend Pinterest, I have been collecting and collecting ideas for my living room/kitchen since they flow into one another.
And today I have hit the moment where I am sure of what I want to do. And am so ready for a change for the better. And if you know me, I have a tendency to be impatient and jump to the next thing as soon as I have a semi firm idea...
If it wouldn't make my husband super mad, and Emily cry a thousand tears ... I would pack up all the Christmas decor and head to the local Home Depo's paint department.
So this is what I have decided:
(if you have not stumbled on to this site it is a must!)
I love the blue for the living room, with bold white trim to go with my newish white painted fireplace...
Insert two built in bookshelves next to the fireplace (most likely going to be made from Ikea's Billy bookshelves with some extra trim)...
Then imagine a new couch that looks something like this:
and a pair of these on either side of our piano painted yellow since Bryan has vetoed the yellow piano idea multiple times:
With a tufted coffee table/ottoman like this:
but with swivel wheels like this instead of legs:
And then if we reference the paint colors above we would go with soft grays in the kitchen with a green kitchen table and pink flowers on top! Something like this minus the unpainted area:
Did I mention that the kitchen table is still haunting me? Yes, I made the request that my lovely husband bring it in from our clean garage (but super cold) into our newly cleaned (and warmer) basement so I can finish it up... and I am going to conquer it once and for all!!!!
So yes... I just have to decide on a stencil design for the kitchen and then we will start (meaning I will start) this massive paint project. I am excited to finally have a decision made!!!
I know this one has been used many of times right now - so maybe not this one but something along this line ;)
Wish me luck!
And today I have hit the moment where I am sure of what I want to do. And am so ready for a change for the better. And if you know me, I have a tendency to be impatient and jump to the next thing as soon as I have a semi firm idea...
If it wouldn't make my husband super mad, and Emily cry a thousand tears ... I would pack up all the Christmas decor and head to the local Home Depo's paint department.
So this is what I have decided:
(if you have not stumbled on to this site it is a must!)
I love the blue for the living room, with bold white trim to go with my newish white painted fireplace...
Insert two built in bookshelves next to the fireplace (most likely going to be made from Ikea's Billy bookshelves with some extra trim)...
Then imagine a new couch that looks something like this:
and a pair of these on either side of our piano painted yellow since Bryan has vetoed the yellow piano idea multiple times:
With a tufted coffee table/ottoman like this:
but with swivel wheels like this instead of legs:
And then if we reference the paint colors above we would go with soft grays in the kitchen with a green kitchen table and pink flowers on top! Something like this minus the unpainted area:
Did I mention that the kitchen table is still haunting me? Yes, I made the request that my lovely husband bring it in from our clean garage (but super cold) into our newly cleaned (and warmer) basement so I can finish it up... and I am going to conquer it once and for all!!!!
So yes... I just have to decide on a stencil design for the kitchen and then we will start (meaning I will start) this massive paint project. I am excited to finally have a decision made!!!
I know this one has been used many of times right now - so maybe not this one but something along this line ;)
Wish me luck!
December 15, 2011
3 going on 16
So we survived. Yes it was birthday weekend this past weekend. Miss Emily turned 3. My goodness.
And in all honesty she is everything I would want her to be. Cute, and cute enough to have her dad worried about the little boys that soon shall be knocking at our door. Sassy like her mom, enough to drive her daddy nuts but make him laugh at the same time. Lovable even through her sass, so that her dad and any other lucky person who meets her, knows that they are in fact lucky to meet her. Smart as a whip, I will take credit for that as well... but I think it might be a shared quality of both Bryan and I. And she has a great sense of style.
I love her, I do.
So for her birthday we continued the tradition of streamers and balloons outside of the birthday girl's door (something that my mom did for my sister and I till we finally moved out of the house- and if we are lucky, and she is visiting during a birthday we still get decorations to this day).
I may have gotten a little crazy with the balloons, but I felt like this was going to be the first real birthday she was going to remember, and I had to make a good memory for her.
So I told her, that she had to sleep in her big girl bed all night or the birthday girl surprises weren't going to come. So at 7 am I hear a knock at her door. And then ....
"MOM...Open Door! It's WAKE UP TIME!"
And then out she came to a sea of pink, bright pink, white and purple. She loved it. Ran up and down the hall exclaiming that it was "Gorgeous!"
I was super proud. And in that moment Bryan didn't totally hate me for making him blow up at least 75 balloons... How could you when you daughter feels that special because of what you did.
So then after a few episodes of Wonder Pets (sigh I just don't understand why they make the duck talk with a lisp- but anywho) it was bath time and my smart as a whip daughter figured out how to dye her bath water pink. Turns out if you add pink streamers you water will magically turn pink. That was a fun surprise.
And then we were off to the family birthday dinner at the local Mexican restaurant (because she is a Vargas ya know!) ... and after mom and dad had a margarita and Emily got her share of attention .... it was time for the sombrero...
And a little whip cream on the nose! We were so afraid that she wouldn't find it amusing (it didn't go over so well last year) but she absolutely loved it. I am pretty sure she just loved the attention to be honest.
So yes, the birthday was a success, she got her first Barbie from her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Andrea (I am pretty sure mostly from Andrea since I don't see Ryan running up and down the Barbie isle picking out a cute but not overly sexy Barbie with clothing and accessories to match... sorry Ryan I just don't think that is in your skill set). She also got a princess doll house/castle and a Dora the Explorer tent that is now taking up most of the living room...
And on top of that she is getting a Children's Museum pass! We are going to have some fun there...
However, I may have made a mistake.... Emily is really into stickers and such right now so I bought her boxes and boxes of the foam stickers plus a few sticky rhinestones... and this is what I got:
Why yes that is a be-dazzled piano.... Bryan is not pleased.... However, it was on his watch that the piano was be-dazzled....so I am not taking full blame on this one.
Now onto the Holidays!!!
And in all honesty she is everything I would want her to be. Cute, and cute enough to have her dad worried about the little boys that soon shall be knocking at our door. Sassy like her mom, enough to drive her daddy nuts but make him laugh at the same time. Lovable even through her sass, so that her dad and any other lucky person who meets her, knows that they are in fact lucky to meet her. Smart as a whip, I will take credit for that as well... but I think it might be a shared quality of both Bryan and I. And she has a great sense of style.
I love her, I do.
So for her birthday we continued the tradition of streamers and balloons outside of the birthday girl's door (something that my mom did for my sister and I till we finally moved out of the house- and if we are lucky, and she is visiting during a birthday we still get decorations to this day).
I may have gotten a little crazy with the balloons, but I felt like this was going to be the first real birthday she was going to remember, and I had to make a good memory for her.
So I told her, that she had to sleep in her big girl bed all night or the birthday girl surprises weren't going to come. So at 7 am I hear a knock at her door. And then ....
"MOM...Open Door! It's WAKE UP TIME!"
And then out she came to a sea of pink, bright pink, white and purple. She loved it. Ran up and down the hall exclaiming that it was "Gorgeous!"
I was super proud. And in that moment Bryan didn't totally hate me for making him blow up at least 75 balloons... How could you when you daughter feels that special because of what you did.
So then after a few episodes of Wonder Pets (sigh I just don't understand why they make the duck talk with a lisp- but anywho) it was bath time and my smart as a whip daughter figured out how to dye her bath water pink. Turns out if you add pink streamers you water will magically turn pink. That was a fun surprise.
And then we were off to the family birthday dinner at the local Mexican restaurant (because she is a Vargas ya know!) ... and after mom and dad had a margarita and Emily got her share of attention .... it was time for the sombrero...
And a little whip cream on the nose! We were so afraid that she wouldn't find it amusing (it didn't go over so well last year) but she absolutely loved it. I am pretty sure she just loved the attention to be honest.
So yes, the birthday was a success, she got her first Barbie from her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Andrea (I am pretty sure mostly from Andrea since I don't see Ryan running up and down the Barbie isle picking out a cute but not overly sexy Barbie with clothing and accessories to match... sorry Ryan I just don't think that is in your skill set). She also got a princess doll house/castle and a Dora the Explorer tent that is now taking up most of the living room...
And on top of that she is getting a Children's Museum pass! We are going to have some fun there...
However, I may have made a mistake.... Emily is really into stickers and such right now so I bought her boxes and boxes of the foam stickers plus a few sticky rhinestones... and this is what I got:
Why yes that is a be-dazzled piano.... Bryan is not pleased.... However, it was on his watch that the piano was be-dazzled....so I am not taking full blame on this one.
Now onto the Holidays!!!
December 10, 2011
Naked Stage Over?
Nope. Not in the dead of winter either... Bryan is concerned that his daughter is traveling down a dangerous naked road....
And he is coming home again to a naked little girl. Parenting gold star goes to me tonight!
I am secretly smiling right now.
And he is coming home again to a naked little girl. Parenting gold star goes to me tonight!
I am secretly smiling right now.
Was I insane... I believe so.
Yesterday morning was shaping up to be a disaster.
Emily has been in a funk this past month. Doesn't want to dance at dance class, tired at daycare wanting to be held all the time, and sad. Super sad all the time. Did I mention the "tummy aches"?
Before I freak and think that there is something medically wrong, I decided a "special" day with mom at work might solve these blues....
We got ready (she perked right up from the morning glums). We packed her bag with a portable DVD player, movies, Oreos, coloring book etc. And we were off.
In the back of my mind I wondered if this was a good idea... I am in no way shape or form a VP or VIP person at work and this might not have been the best idea I had... but I had already promised, and I dressed her really cute so everyone would instantly love her and so she could get away with a little more.... and maybe I could as well...
Success on the clothing choice, everyone loved her. She got a bucket full of Candy from my boss's boss. She called me on speaker phone from my boss's boss's boss... so over all I think it was a success but I still have that - oh crap did I step over my boundaries feeling in the back of my mind.
But I think we may have cured Emily's blues. She got so much attention and felt super special with everyone loving on her and paying attention to her. I truly work with some great people who are just awesome.... and it is nice to see the softer side of the boss's boss's boss...
I am thinking that the little brother has encroached upon some of Emily's attention and she may have been slightly jealous and sad.... hopefully so I really don't want anything serious to come out of these blues.
We are also starting up on PediaSure - just in case she needs a little extra pep in her step... and trying for a more strict bedtime.... but as everyone at work is now quite aware... it is very hard to say no to this child.
On the project side of things.... this is what I have been up to:
And this was the inspiration for Eli's room (granted we are going for an industrial feel for his room aka. pipes for curtain rods etc)
I love the string idea... and maybe nails might have been the better way to go, but working with copper wire and steal we thought screws were the better choice sine we actually want it to stay in the wall....
But sadly I have ran out of screws and wire so I must make a quick trip to Mendards and pick some more up to make the letters a little bit more fuller and actually finish his name!!! The string probably would have given a cleaner line but we really do like the rougher look the wire gives....
So hopefully soon I will have that finished and I can brag about that! Until then I will be frantically planning a birthday for my birthday girl who turns 3 tomorrow!!! Wish us luck I am not sure what is going to be worse ... the terrible twos or the sass I know I am going to face with a 3 year old!!!
Emily has been in a funk this past month. Doesn't want to dance at dance class, tired at daycare wanting to be held all the time, and sad. Super sad all the time. Did I mention the "tummy aches"?
Before I freak and think that there is something medically wrong, I decided a "special" day with mom at work might solve these blues....
We got ready (she perked right up from the morning glums). We packed her bag with a portable DVD player, movies, Oreos, coloring book etc. And we were off.
In the back of my mind I wondered if this was a good idea... I am in no way shape or form a VP or VIP person at work and this might not have been the best idea I had... but I had already promised, and I dressed her really cute so everyone would instantly love her and so she could get away with a little more.... and maybe I could as well...
Success on the clothing choice, everyone loved her. She got a bucket full of Candy from my boss's boss. She called me on speaker phone from my boss's boss's boss... so over all I think it was a success but I still have that - oh crap did I step over my boundaries feeling in the back of my mind.
But I think we may have cured Emily's blues. She got so much attention and felt super special with everyone loving on her and paying attention to her. I truly work with some great people who are just awesome.... and it is nice to see the softer side of the boss's boss's boss...
I am thinking that the little brother has encroached upon some of Emily's attention and she may have been slightly jealous and sad.... hopefully so I really don't want anything serious to come out of these blues.
We are also starting up on PediaSure - just in case she needs a little extra pep in her step... and trying for a more strict bedtime.... but as everyone at work is now quite aware... it is very hard to say no to this child.
On the project side of things.... this is what I have been up to:
And this was the inspiration for Eli's room (granted we are going for an industrial feel for his room aka. pipes for curtain rods etc)
I love the string idea... and maybe nails might have been the better way to go, but working with copper wire and steal we thought screws were the better choice sine we actually want it to stay in the wall....
But sadly I have ran out of screws and wire so I must make a quick trip to Mendards and pick some more up to make the letters a little bit more fuller and actually finish his name!!! The string probably would have given a cleaner line but we really do like the rougher look the wire gives....
So hopefully soon I will have that finished and I can brag about that! Until then I will be frantically planning a birthday for my birthday girl who turns 3 tomorrow!!! Wish us luck I am not sure what is going to be worse ... the terrible twos or the sass I know I am going to face with a 3 year old!!!
December 8, 2011
A New Love in My Life
So part of the reason I have fallen a little slow in blogging lately (besides a slow down in projects being done) is that Pinterest has taken over.... my life.
It is such a great place for inspiration, to keep track of all your dreams, and also stumble onto some fabulous sites you would have never found if not for someone else having pinned that something wonderful... tonight for me it is this site:
And this is what I want - no let's clarify - what I need in my house. Umm yes it is an arrow.
And it totally belongs in my hallway in my 1950-60's Rambler of a house... see I have a very long hallway and I believe this is well worth the $20 that I will never see again.
And yes, I could probably find a wood plaque and paint an arrow on it but it wouldn't be the saaaaaaaaaaaaame (said in my 3 year old voice).
I am so in love with this site and also this chair:
I love the stripes, the lines the colors - - - so inspired right now. Just wish I had the money to go along with that inspiration!
Don't worry I am still brainstorming on how to become famous for nothing so I can afford all the makeovers my house sooo desires!!!
And I am thinking I need these numbers - maybe to hang over B & I's bed - maybe get all sweet on him and do our anniversary date - or maybe all the dates of our birthdays so something likes this:
It is such a great place for inspiration, to keep track of all your dreams, and also stumble onto some fabulous sites you would have never found if not for someone else having pinned that something wonderful... tonight for me it is this site:
And this is what I want - no let's clarify - what I need in my house. Umm yes it is an arrow.
And it totally belongs in my hallway in my 1950-60's Rambler of a house... see I have a very long hallway and I believe this is well worth the $20 that I will never see again.
And yes, I could probably find a wood plaque and paint an arrow on it but it wouldn't be the saaaaaaaaaaaaame (said in my 3 year old voice).
I am so in love with this site and also this chair:
I love the stripes, the lines the colors - - - so inspired right now. Just wish I had the money to go along with that inspiration!
Don't worry I am still brainstorming on how to become famous for nothing so I can afford all the makeovers my house sooo desires!!!
And I am thinking I need these numbers - maybe to hang over B & I's bed - maybe get all sweet on him and do our anniversary date - or maybe all the dates of our birthdays so something likes this:
03 07 11 12
So yeah... I hope you have as much fun on this site as I am having now!!!
P.S. Life is good, work is good. I am Emily's new favorite and dad is now second best (I use to pick her up from daycare with her screaming "NOT YOOOOOOOOOOOU.... DADDY PICK ME UP" so I do know how it feels) but it does feel good every now and then to be on the top!
Eli is good - still spitting up on me every chance he gets - but he is smiling the whole time - so I guess it is okay?
Other than that we are golden! Hope you are as well!
December 3, 2011
Turkey, Cowboys and Bunnies
So last week was Thanksgiving/Black Friday... (I say slash BF because I am known for not cooking so this really isn't my holiday...however, shopping is a different story).
We had Thanksgiving this year at my Aunt's house. My mom, dad, grandpa and grandma came up and it was lovely... My dad had a great time teasing Emily which she loved/hated. But that is my dad....
Grandma Mimis was a huge hit though... she brought gifts... warm gifts!

How cute are these?!?! Mom scored these snow boots at a sample sale at her work (sometimes it is know people who work in retail esp. Lands End)... Emily also scored a fuzzy pink winter jacket as well with a cute knitted hat...
Eli on the other hand had to share his gift with Bryan:
Yes, my mother found a lovely lady at her work who can knit up a storm and requested a Cowboys helmet be made for Eli* (Disclaimer: My mother is not and will never be a Cowboys Fan... She is a Vikings Fan - even though they seem to always disappoint... I just choose to root for the team always playing against the two... or the underdog... I am always a fan of the underdog).
Needless to say, Bryan was super excited and thrilled with the gift... I think it is pretty cute too!
Grandma Mimis also was a super help last weekend too, allowing me to go spy on all the crazy people standing inline for Target, Wal-Mart and Best Buy at midnight on Black Friday....
Those people are go-getters I must say... Wal-Mart - yikes... to say the least. Target at least everyone seemed to be in good spirits and ready to get their shopping on in an orderly and systematic way... same for Best Buy... I was glad to see people enjoying themselves!
Grandma also let us take advantage of her by leaving the kids with her to go pick up/cut down our two Christmas Trees! Normally we do this with the kids - but both were down with coughs and Grnadma was down with the flu....
Proof That I in fact DID water the tree... Please note the spilled water over the tree stand...I may have forgotten to do this last year, and Bryan may have come back from TX to a dead tree and a pile of needles... maybe... it is a rumor that Bryan does hang over my head time to time...
And this is my new strategy... instead of buying one huge tree that doesn't fit inside my home, I decided to get two trees that actually do fit... I am not sure if I would actually do it again ... but I like it as of right now!
And that there is the piano I want to paint yellow again a dark blue wall.... sigh - still working on that!
But I am currently working on a project for Eli's room... I just need a few more screws and I should be good to go... will update when done!
We had Thanksgiving this year at my Aunt's house. My mom, dad, grandpa and grandma came up and it was lovely... My dad had a great time teasing Emily which she loved/hated. But that is my dad....
Grandma Mimis was a huge hit though... she brought gifts... warm gifts!
How cute are these?!?! Mom scored these snow boots at a sample sale at her work (sometimes it is know people who work in retail esp. Lands End)... Emily also scored a fuzzy pink winter jacket as well with a cute knitted hat...
Eli on the other hand had to share his gift with Bryan:
Yes, my mother found a lovely lady at her work who can knit up a storm and requested a Cowboys helmet be made for Eli* (Disclaimer: My mother is not and will never be a Cowboys Fan... She is a Vikings Fan - even though they seem to always disappoint... I just choose to root for the team always playing against the two... or the underdog... I am always a fan of the underdog).
Needless to say, Bryan was super excited and thrilled with the gift... I think it is pretty cute too!
Grandma Mimis also was a super help last weekend too, allowing me to go spy on all the crazy people standing inline for Target, Wal-Mart and Best Buy at midnight on Black Friday....
Those people are go-getters I must say... Wal-Mart - yikes... to say the least. Target at least everyone seemed to be in good spirits and ready to get their shopping on in an orderly and systematic way... same for Best Buy... I was glad to see people enjoying themselves!
Grandma also let us take advantage of her by leaving the kids with her to go pick up/cut down our two Christmas Trees! Normally we do this with the kids - but both were down with coughs and Grnadma was down with the flu....
Proof That I in fact DID water the tree... Please note the spilled water over the tree stand...I may have forgotten to do this last year, and Bryan may have come back from TX to a dead tree and a pile of needles... maybe... it is a rumor that Bryan does hang over my head time to time...
And this is my new strategy... instead of buying one huge tree that doesn't fit inside my home, I decided to get two trees that actually do fit... I am not sure if I would actually do it again ... but I like it as of right now!
And that there is the piano I want to paint yellow again a dark blue wall.... sigh - still working on that!
But I am currently working on a project for Eli's room... I just need a few more screws and I should be good to go... will update when done!
November 17, 2011
My Opinion on Co-Sleeping (Take it or Leave it)
So I know it has been a while, I have been managing Black Friday Ads, Black Friday offers... two kids, two cats and a husband....
Now taking a deep breath, I am back to blogging with fabulous parental advice on Co-sleeping.
My advice. Don't do it. And not for the reasoning you think... I honestly could care less how you choose to raise your kids and how you choose to sleep with them (mind you you take all the precautions on making it safe as possible - and not just a pillow wall).
My caution aka. warning is simple.
And when kids share a bed with you and puke in the bed... you are most likely going to wake up in a puddle of puke. And unless your kid eats rose petals and perfume... it will stink to high heaven.
A perfect example of this was last night in the Vargas household.
I would love it if Emily would remain in her own big girl bed... but she has figured out that if she sneaks in on dad's side of the bed, he will let her up and in for a snuggle... while mom gets kicked in the back and ousted from the bed.
So like any other night... Emily sneaks in around 11 pm. Around 11:58 pm I awake to yucky stuff on my back and promptly wake Bryan up (secretly hoping he would man up and clean the mess by himself while I went back to sleep). It was a two person job. Puke in hair. Puke in bed. Puke everywhere.
Poor Em was humiliated - cause what kid really wants to puke - much less be covered in puke.
So we stripped the bed... laid a sheet over the bare mattress and Bryan and Em went back to bed once the mess and Emily were cleaned up.
I went to sleep in Em's room. Alone. And slept much better than I have in a long time.
So there is my parenting lesson of the day.
(oh p.s. when you kid tells you that her tummy hurts - not a great idea to feed your kid pizza, Swedish Fish and gum... learned the hard way by Bryan).
Now taking a deep breath, I am back to blogging with fabulous parental advice on Co-sleeping.
My advice. Don't do it. And not for the reasoning you think... I honestly could care less how you choose to raise your kids and how you choose to sleep with them (mind you you take all the precautions on making it safe as possible - and not just a pillow wall).
My caution aka. warning is simple.
And when kids share a bed with you and puke in the bed... you are most likely going to wake up in a puddle of puke. And unless your kid eats rose petals and perfume... it will stink to high heaven.
A perfect example of this was last night in the Vargas household.
I would love it if Emily would remain in her own big girl bed... but she has figured out that if she sneaks in on dad's side of the bed, he will let her up and in for a snuggle... while mom gets kicked in the back and ousted from the bed.
So like any other night... Emily sneaks in around 11 pm. Around 11:58 pm I awake to yucky stuff on my back and promptly wake Bryan up (secretly hoping he would man up and clean the mess by himself while I went back to sleep). It was a two person job. Puke in hair. Puke in bed. Puke everywhere.
Poor Em was humiliated - cause what kid really wants to puke - much less be covered in puke.
So we stripped the bed... laid a sheet over the bare mattress and Bryan and Em went back to bed once the mess and Emily were cleaned up.
I went to sleep in Em's room. Alone. And slept much better than I have in a long time.
So there is my parenting lesson of the day.
(oh p.s. when you kid tells you that her tummy hurts - not a great idea to feed your kid pizza, Swedish Fish and gum... learned the hard way by Bryan).
November 6, 2011
Parenting is Awesome.
But today is not.
Hoolllllly Hell. So I have been MIA since having Eli.... and yes two is more than one and I would like to return one as of right now....
Emily has found a fabulous new strategy on avoiding medicine. She just spits it up all over her face when I try to give it to her which equals sticky face, sticky hair, sticky hands and sticky mom.
I am impressed with the strategy but not amused as of right now (check back in the morning).
Oh and did I mention if one cries the other cries? yup that is my night.
But I still love them go figure.
So back to catching you up on all things fabulous and not so fabulous... I am back to work and back to finding cheap-o projects...
The living room has yet to be painted (mainly because I cannot decide on a dark green or a dark blue) leaning more to dark blue with a yellow piano - but the hubby has completely nixed the piano idea... I can never win with him....
However, the purple desk has been put to good use... Bryan got a promotion which allows him to work at a bit at home, and since I re-purposed our office desk into a purple desk for Emily's room, Bryan has found himself clocking in hours on the oh so feminine desk.... he is thrilled with me.
My garden in the back is growing strong and has found a few more additions - a few pink bleeding hearts and pink pom pom like flower mounds - love them and the fact that they were on sale.
So life is still trying to find some balance between two kids, a full time job, a husband and a house that begs for a make over daily...
Someday I will have it all together!!!
Hoolllllly Hell. So I have been MIA since having Eli.... and yes two is more than one and I would like to return one as of right now....
Emily has found a fabulous new strategy on avoiding medicine. She just spits it up all over her face when I try to give it to her which equals sticky face, sticky hair, sticky hands and sticky mom.
I am impressed with the strategy but not amused as of right now (check back in the morning).
Oh and did I mention if one cries the other cries? yup that is my night.
But I still love them go figure.
So back to catching you up on all things fabulous and not so fabulous... I am back to work and back to finding cheap-o projects...
The living room has yet to be painted (mainly because I cannot decide on a dark green or a dark blue) leaning more to dark blue with a yellow piano - but the hubby has completely nixed the piano idea... I can never win with him....
However, the purple desk has been put to good use... Bryan got a promotion which allows him to work at a bit at home, and since I re-purposed our office desk into a purple desk for Emily's room, Bryan has found himself clocking in hours on the oh so feminine desk.... he is thrilled with me.
My garden in the back is growing strong and has found a few more additions - a few pink bleeding hearts and pink pom pom like flower mounds - love them and the fact that they were on sale.
So life is still trying to find some balance between two kids, a full time job, a husband and a house that begs for a make over daily...
Someday I will have it all together!!!
September 28, 2011
so after the paci party
we are trying to conquer the sleeping in the big girl bed... yeah daddy is not helping that situation (you would think it would be backwards but it is not).
So tonight I put Emily in Eli's crib. Whoa did not sit well with her. She was mortified by it.
She is a girl. As she explained it to me. Not a boy. So therefore she should not be in a boy's room nor a boy's crib. Logic at its best.
So after she chose to sleep in the big girl bed, hysterics ensued. This is the point in which I encourage others to live their single lives to the fullest... cause I am trying to sleep through "it's not my fault ...it's not my fault.... mommy ..... mommy...." without feeling like a shit parent.
Those lovey mother and child pictures all over facebooks... yeah full of shit. FYI. It is a bunch of people trying to pretend that they have a picture perfect life with kids... no they are not going to take pictures of their trashed house with Lucky Charms all over their floors or Crayons all over their walls... so please if you feel envious of their lives please know they are envious of yours times 10.
Esp. after sleepless nights.
Even if their kids are cute as hell.
I promise.
So go to 1 too many concerts and get shit face 1 too many times .... cause it will all be worth it when the kids come.
And yes you will love them no matter what.... but do take advantage of your time while you have it.
Meanwhile ... back to "It is not my fault" aka you are a horrible parent.....
So tonight I put Emily in Eli's crib. Whoa did not sit well with her. She was mortified by it.
She is a girl. As she explained it to me. Not a boy. So therefore she should not be in a boy's room nor a boy's crib. Logic at its best.
So after she chose to sleep in the big girl bed, hysterics ensued. This is the point in which I encourage others to live their single lives to the fullest... cause I am trying to sleep through "it's not my fault ...it's not my fault.... mommy ..... mommy...." without feeling like a shit parent.
Those lovey mother and child pictures all over facebooks... yeah full of shit. FYI. It is a bunch of people trying to pretend that they have a picture perfect life with kids... no they are not going to take pictures of their trashed house with Lucky Charms all over their floors or Crayons all over their walls... so please if you feel envious of their lives please know they are envious of yours times 10.
Esp. after sleepless nights.
Even if their kids are cute as hell.
I promise.
So go to 1 too many concerts and get shit face 1 too many times .... cause it will all be worth it when the kids come.
And yes you will love them no matter what.... but do take advantage of your time while you have it.
Meanwhile ... back to "It is not my fault" aka you are a horrible parent.....
September 21, 2011
Took a Break from Life
Okay so I am back, kind of.
Sigh, I have had a good bout with the baby blues hence going back to work early... I know, this seems like the reverse thing to do... but I needed to get back to a routine, I needed grown up contact, I needed a project and to be busy with the world.
I also needed a little bit of help from some "happy pills" for full disclosure. I am not going to lie, and pretend that I can handle this solely on my own... thank god for my mom and her ability to just listen to my rants and raves and just to come and save the day every now and then. And to clean my house when I have given up for the whole week.
Bryan has been wonderful, even though he has no clue what the hell baby blues are and what he can do to help - he just tries to be lighthearted about it and bring out the funny in the situation - which I really do appreciate...
So back to work I am. I have a new manager and a new merchant which I am really excited about. My role has slightly changed (in a good way) and I am try to change and adjust to the new norm... slower than I would like but I will catch up soon! I have a lot of good people backing me and I feel good about it all.
Emily is being an awesome good big sister, and we are trying to get rid of the Paci. We are on day 2 night 3... Yesterday we had a "No More Paci Party".
The deal was, I forgot the Paci at daycare Monday night - uh oh - so I quickly took advantage of the situation and told Emily that if she went to bed without Paci, and did daycare without Paci she could have a party with a cake... Well she did awesome, and Tuesday I went and bought a huge butterfly balloon, a muffin sized cupcake and decorated her room with tulle and sparkle beads...
Party was a huge success, we danced with stuffed animals, cheered about no more paci, and how Emily was a big girl....she loved it.
Then came bedtime.
Big meltdown. The "I hate you mom" kind of meltdown. She even tried to negotiate for her Paci back. She told me to take down the decorations, take back the balloon and give her back the Paci. I was actually really impressed by her logic. But no dice.
I think I spent a good hour listening to her rant and rave. If Bryan had been there, he would have caved. But I have a heart of stone ;) and want to be done with the Paci. We shall see how tonight goes!
Eli is great, starting to smile and that makes my ego go through the roof... I am pretty sure he thinks I am the best looking mom he has ever seen!
T-O - Double Dizzle aka. Todd the cat is doing well... we still know the odds there but feel good about being able to give him a good kitty life however long or short it is.
Thomas the man cat is not thrilled with this. Not at all.
Otherwise, life is almost into a groove but more like a manageable chaos... just the way the Vargas family likes it!
Sigh, I have had a good bout with the baby blues hence going back to work early... I know, this seems like the reverse thing to do... but I needed to get back to a routine, I needed grown up contact, I needed a project and to be busy with the world.
I also needed a little bit of help from some "happy pills" for full disclosure. I am not going to lie, and pretend that I can handle this solely on my own... thank god for my mom and her ability to just listen to my rants and raves and just to come and save the day every now and then. And to clean my house when I have given up for the whole week.
Bryan has been wonderful, even though he has no clue what the hell baby blues are and what he can do to help - he just tries to be lighthearted about it and bring out the funny in the situation - which I really do appreciate...
So back to work I am. I have a new manager and a new merchant which I am really excited about. My role has slightly changed (in a good way) and I am try to change and adjust to the new norm... slower than I would like but I will catch up soon! I have a lot of good people backing me and I feel good about it all.
Emily is being an awesome good big sister, and we are trying to get rid of the Paci. We are on day 2 night 3... Yesterday we had a "No More Paci Party".
The deal was, I forgot the Paci at daycare Monday night - uh oh - so I quickly took advantage of the situation and told Emily that if she went to bed without Paci, and did daycare without Paci she could have a party with a cake... Well she did awesome, and Tuesday I went and bought a huge butterfly balloon, a muffin sized cupcake and decorated her room with tulle and sparkle beads...
Party was a huge success, we danced with stuffed animals, cheered about no more paci, and how Emily was a big girl....she loved it.
Then came bedtime.
Big meltdown. The "I hate you mom" kind of meltdown. She even tried to negotiate for her Paci back. She told me to take down the decorations, take back the balloon and give her back the Paci. I was actually really impressed by her logic. But no dice.
I think I spent a good hour listening to her rant and rave. If Bryan had been there, he would have caved. But I have a heart of stone ;) and want to be done with the Paci. We shall see how tonight goes!
Eli is great, starting to smile and that makes my ego go through the roof... I am pretty sure he thinks I am the best looking mom he has ever seen!
T-O - Double Dizzle aka. Todd the cat is doing well... we still know the odds there but feel good about being able to give him a good kitty life however long or short it is.
Thomas the man cat is not thrilled with this. Not at all.
Otherwise, life is almost into a groove but more like a manageable chaos... just the way the Vargas family likes it!
September 5, 2011
You Are Worth It
I use to buy shoes all the time. Great shoes. Unique shoes.
Now I am a mom. Of two.
And now my hobby of collecting shoes has slowed. BIG TIME.
And with that so has the general up keep of myself.
And so today, it took my mother to remind me that I am worth it, I do deserve it and I should not feel guilty about taking care of myself. Bobbie Brown Cosmetics now considers me a "good" customer.
I have been surviving on the bare minimum, living in sweats the last two months and today was my day. I think mothers sometimes equate sacrifice and taking care of everyone else first with love... and yes in some cases it does, I am not saying sacrificing a liver to save a life does not equal love...but what I am saying is that mom's need to take care of themselves too. And value themselves so that they remain happy enough to make that dinner at night, or be okay with scrubbing off that crayon off the hardwood floors.
Now don't get me wrong - I know my value and I am greatly underpaid!!!! ha. But it really did take my mother giving me a "talk" on the way home so I didn't hyperventilate from the amount of money I spent on makeup. But tomorrow is back to work day and I needed a little pick me up since not all my clothes fit yet.
So yes, Grandma's visit was much needed. Esp last night. Emily got super super sick (like puke in mom and dad's bed multiple times sick) and of course right in the middle of that Eli decided he totally needed in on the attention -sigh. I felt my mental state slowly slipping into insanity but then Grandma Mimi stepped in to save the day and handled Eli (meaning she threw herself in front of the baby spit up and took one for the team). So we were extremely lucky to have a grandma in the house.
And to top it all off, the office is somewhat an office - minus a desk (finding the right one) but we can totally walk into and out of the room and I am proud enough to leave the doors open!!! SUCCESS!!!
And all the laundry is done (again kudos to mom) including the puke-y bedding and towels.
Now I must start to pick out tomorrow's outfits, pack Eli & Emily's daycare bags and mentally prepare for my morning of chaos.
Might throw a bubble bath in there somewhere too!
Happy Labor Day Everyone!
Now I am a mom. Of two.
And now my hobby of collecting shoes has slowed. BIG TIME.
And with that so has the general up keep of myself.
And so today, it took my mother to remind me that I am worth it, I do deserve it and I should not feel guilty about taking care of myself. Bobbie Brown Cosmetics now considers me a "good" customer.
I have been surviving on the bare minimum, living in sweats the last two months and today was my day. I think mothers sometimes equate sacrifice and taking care of everyone else first with love... and yes in some cases it does, I am not saying sacrificing a liver to save a life does not equal love...but what I am saying is that mom's need to take care of themselves too. And value themselves so that they remain happy enough to make that dinner at night, or be okay with scrubbing off that crayon off the hardwood floors.
Now don't get me wrong - I know my value and I am greatly underpaid!!!! ha. But it really did take my mother giving me a "talk" on the way home so I didn't hyperventilate from the amount of money I spent on makeup. But tomorrow is back to work day and I needed a little pick me up since not all my clothes fit yet.
So yes, Grandma's visit was much needed. Esp last night. Emily got super super sick (like puke in mom and dad's bed multiple times sick) and of course right in the middle of that Eli decided he totally needed in on the attention -sigh. I felt my mental state slowly slipping into insanity but then Grandma Mimi stepped in to save the day and handled Eli (meaning she threw herself in front of the baby spit up and took one for the team). So we were extremely lucky to have a grandma in the house.
And to top it all off, the office is somewhat an office - minus a desk (finding the right one) but we can totally walk into and out of the room and I am proud enough to leave the doors open!!! SUCCESS!!!
And all the laundry is done (again kudos to mom) including the puke-y bedding and towels.
Now I must start to pick out tomorrow's outfits, pack Eli & Emily's daycare bags and mentally prepare for my morning of chaos.
Might throw a bubble bath in there somewhere too!
Happy Labor Day Everyone!
August 31, 2011
Mom to the Rescue X 2
So about once a week I give my mom the "I am in over my head with 2 kids, a man cat, and a house full of chaos" call. It usually involves tears. No lie.
So Barbara, as I like to call her sometimes, just to get under her skin, is coming to save my ass yet again this weekend (she finally took the hint after the 3rd hysterical call that day).
We have a project that we are going to tackle - and as much as I would love it to be our bathroom - we are still not quite ready for that one - and I think that might have to be left to my man and my dad.
This weekend we are tackling the office/storage room/now sick kitty haven room.
We will be purging all of Bryan's stupid school books ( they are only stupid since I have asked a dozen times for him to sort them out so I could have some type of storage space). We will be going through all the junk we keep throwing in there and deciding what stays and goes.
I love this part. I love cleaning out clutter- it makes me feel so much more in control of my life when everything else is spiraling.
I would love to try and tackle the dictionary wallpaper - but that might be slightly aggressive with Emily and Eli needing to be entertained - but that room has got to get going...ideally this is the direction I want it to head...
So hopefully my mother can wrangle up another miracle and help me finish my office/sick kitty haven room and we can knock off the storage room title. Okay, small goals I would honestly just like to be able to walk into the room without almost killing myself - and not be ashamed enough to have the doors open to the room...
It is the small things in life.
Did I mention that I am going back to work next week as well?!? So yes, I have called in reinforcements to help me prep for more chaos and insanity (thank god no one expects me to cook - I have already squashed all expectations/hope for that - burning a few batches of spaghetti- os will do that).
Wish me luck.
So Barbara, as I like to call her sometimes, just to get under her skin, is coming to save my ass yet again this weekend (she finally took the hint after the 3rd hysterical call that day).
We have a project that we are going to tackle - and as much as I would love it to be our bathroom - we are still not quite ready for that one - and I think that might have to be left to my man and my dad.
This weekend we are tackling the office/storage room/now sick kitty haven room.
We will be purging all of Bryan's stupid school books ( they are only stupid since I have asked a dozen times for him to sort them out so I could have some type of storage space). We will be going through all the junk we keep throwing in there and deciding what stays and goes.
I love this part. I love cleaning out clutter- it makes me feel so much more in control of my life when everything else is spiraling.
I would love to try and tackle the dictionary wallpaper - but that might be slightly aggressive with Emily and Eli needing to be entertained - but that room has got to get going...ideally this is the direction I want it to head...
So hopefully my mother can wrangle up another miracle and help me finish my office/sick kitty haven room and we can knock off the storage room title. Okay, small goals I would honestly just like to be able to walk into the room without almost killing myself - and not be ashamed enough to have the doors open to the room...
It is the small things in life.
Did I mention that I am going back to work next week as well?!? So yes, I have called in reinforcements to help me prep for more chaos and insanity (thank god no one expects me to cook - I have already squashed all expectations/hope for that - burning a few batches of spaghetti- os will do that).
Wish me luck.
August 30, 2011
Well Shit.
Todd and I visited the vet today.
Not good news. He has kitty leukemia. And roundworms.
Emily loves Todd with a double D. I love Todd with a double D. But this does not look good.
I brought Todd home with his dewormer, and now have a tough decision on my hands. If he was going to be an only cat it would be easy. But we have Thomas the man cat, and kitty leukemia is contagious and killer in cats.
Todd is now locked in my bedroom to separate the two cats (not really necessary since Thomas really wants nothing to do with Todd) but it breaks my heart.
We can see if Todd can beat the virus (retest in 3-6 wks) but the odds are not in our favor and the vet doesn't want to give us false hope.
I don't know what to do. My animal saving skills are seriously lacking this month.
Bummed to say the least. Shit. I don't want to make the smart decision.
Family Decision - We are making the office/storage room a kitty room! Bryan and I feel like if Todd with a double D was lucky enough to find a family that didn't mind too much that he had worms and diarrhea up the wazoo (okay he was lucky that Bryan and I didn't kill him) that he could be lucky enough to beat this virus.
(I am about 100% shocked that Bryan was in agreement and there really was no need for a discussion, as much as B grumbles about animals and my need to save anything and everything I can I think he actually finds this an endearing trait of mine - that is what I am going with)
We are going to give him that chance, and if it does go the opposite way we will be ready for it and do the humane thing, but until Todd with a double D gives us that sign we are going to fight this thing.
My mom has a cat name Dusty - who was on the brink of death from god knows what - the vet had totally written him off ... but the miracle of deli cut roast beef brought that pisser of a cat back and he is now a behemoth of a cat. We are going this route with Todd.
So Todd will be getting the royal treatment:
1. Roast Beef Diet (once we get his stomach in order)
2. His own room (to protect Thomas the man cat)
3. Stress free unconditional love
Wish us luck, we know we will need it, but if we are just another statistic at least Todd will have had a family and some love in his short life.
Not good news. He has kitty leukemia. And roundworms.
Emily loves Todd with a double D. I love Todd with a double D. But this does not look good.
I brought Todd home with his dewormer, and now have a tough decision on my hands. If he was going to be an only cat it would be easy. But we have Thomas the man cat, and kitty leukemia is contagious and killer in cats.
Todd is now locked in my bedroom to separate the two cats (not really necessary since Thomas really wants nothing to do with Todd) but it breaks my heart.
We can see if Todd can beat the virus (retest in 3-6 wks) but the odds are not in our favor and the vet doesn't want to give us false hope.
I don't know what to do. My animal saving skills are seriously lacking this month.
Bummed to say the least. Shit. I don't want to make the smart decision.
Family Decision - We are making the office/storage room a kitty room! Bryan and I feel like if Todd with a double D was lucky enough to find a family that didn't mind too much that he had worms and diarrhea up the wazoo (okay he was lucky that Bryan and I didn't kill him) that he could be lucky enough to beat this virus.
(I am about 100% shocked that Bryan was in agreement and there really was no need for a discussion, as much as B grumbles about animals and my need to save anything and everything I can I think he actually finds this an endearing trait of mine - that is what I am going with)
We are going to give him that chance, and if it does go the opposite way we will be ready for it and do the humane thing, but until Todd with a double D gives us that sign we are going to fight this thing.
My mom has a cat name Dusty - who was on the brink of death from god knows what - the vet had totally written him off ... but the miracle of deli cut roast beef brought that pisser of a cat back and he is now a behemoth of a cat. We are going this route with Todd.
So Todd will be getting the royal treatment:
1. Roast Beef Diet (once we get his stomach in order)
2. His own room (to protect Thomas the man cat)
3. Stress free unconditional love
Wish us luck, we know we will need it, but if we are just another statistic at least Todd will have had a family and some love in his short life.
August 24, 2011
Master Gardner Update
So my front garden/foundation gardens remain mulched but not planted...
I went to Gerten's on Sunday to pick up some shrubs since they were having a sale and I had an idea of what I wanted. Bryan had to work so I went with my can do attitude, a one month old, and a two and a half year old.
If you are currently wondering what I was thinking - I have no idea. I honestly have no clue what made me think I could load up 4 shrubs on a cart plus a car seat and heard Emily around. I guess I just really wanted shrubs.
We roamed in between the boxwoods, the dwarf blue spruces, the blue chip juniper, and a few others. I couldn't make up my mind. Bryan had set a budget, and I had to decide if I wanted to go with the blue spruces (the ones I really wanted) but the high end of things - I would only be able to get 2 max, or something like the blue chip juniper (which I really am not a fan of - have no clue why- but I could come home with 4). then I started to look around and more options came into play and I had no one to bounce my ideas off of.
Then a call went out to Grandma Mimi. She is not a good person to call when trying to stay on budget, but a great person to call when you need someone to say go with what you love...
So, long story short, I chickened out.
I really didn't want to come home and have Bryan hate what I chose, or be angry that I went over budget. But I did pick up these cuties:
Yeah buy one get one free deal! So I got 4 and when I got home I of course wanted more - gah. But there was no way in hell I was going back with my entourage.... no no no learned my lesson there, even though Emily was half way decent :)
And so these little guys made their way into my little garden in the back:
Now, i know what you are thinking - I stole these images off the internet - but No!!! The master gardener strikes again!!! That hydrangea tree was a steal last year at the end of season sale... my husband wasn't quite sure if it has survived the winter at the beginning of spring... but it lives and lives well! Same goes for the hydrangea bush - my $1 bush from the same sale!!! Whoot Whoot! I am on fire. That hosta was part of the hosta haul my husband scored in June. I am just excited to see what it looks like next year once they all have another year to expand and grow - the hostas need a little love since they were attacked by killer slugs (boo).
But I do have to admit, my Liatris which was suppose to look like this:
Bryan is pretty sure that my bulbs are growing to China - since I wasn't sure which way was up or down on the bulbs. Whoops. Maybe they will self correct next season?! Maybe?
But to make myself feel better here is another growing success:
This is my accidental pumpkin/squash? patch. Yup. We threw last years pumpkins in the back - and this is the repercussions... My mom, being the Debbie Downer on the whole situation said the pumpkins might not be ready for this season. Well Mom, that is not looking at the bright side of life is it? Maybe I will have a great center piece for my non existent kitchen table for Thanksgiving!
Anyways, thought I would catch everyone up on my gardening adventures.
Oh. P.S. We named the cat. Todd with a double D.
He has a little fox face, and one of our (Bryan and I) favorite movies is Fox and the Hound. Todd is the name of the fox. We are just to clever for our own good.
I went to Gerten's on Sunday to pick up some shrubs since they were having a sale and I had an idea of what I wanted. Bryan had to work so I went with my can do attitude, a one month old, and a two and a half year old.
If you are currently wondering what I was thinking - I have no idea. I honestly have no clue what made me think I could load up 4 shrubs on a cart plus a car seat and heard Emily around. I guess I just really wanted shrubs.
We roamed in between the boxwoods, the dwarf blue spruces, the blue chip juniper, and a few others. I couldn't make up my mind. Bryan had set a budget, and I had to decide if I wanted to go with the blue spruces (the ones I really wanted) but the high end of things - I would only be able to get 2 max, or something like the blue chip juniper (which I really am not a fan of - have no clue why- but I could come home with 4). then I started to look around and more options came into play and I had no one to bounce my ideas off of.
Then a call went out to Grandma Mimi. She is not a good person to call when trying to stay on budget, but a great person to call when you need someone to say go with what you love...
So, long story short, I chickened out.
I really didn't want to come home and have Bryan hate what I chose, or be angry that I went over budget. But I did pick up these cuties:
Yeah buy one get one free deal! So I got 4 and when I got home I of course wanted more - gah. But there was no way in hell I was going back with my entourage.... no no no learned my lesson there, even though Emily was half way decent :)
And so these little guys made their way into my little garden in the back:
Now, i know what you are thinking - I stole these images off the internet - but No!!! The master gardener strikes again!!! That hydrangea tree was a steal last year at the end of season sale... my husband wasn't quite sure if it has survived the winter at the beginning of spring... but it lives and lives well! Same goes for the hydrangea bush - my $1 bush from the same sale!!! Whoot Whoot! I am on fire. That hosta was part of the hosta haul my husband scored in June. I am just excited to see what it looks like next year once they all have another year to expand and grow - the hostas need a little love since they were attacked by killer slugs (boo).
But I do have to admit, my Liatris which was suppose to look like this:
Actually looks like this:
Bryan is pretty sure that my bulbs are growing to China - since I wasn't sure which way was up or down on the bulbs. Whoops. Maybe they will self correct next season?! Maybe?
But to make myself feel better here is another growing success:
This is my accidental pumpkin/squash? patch. Yup. We threw last years pumpkins in the back - and this is the repercussions... My mom, being the Debbie Downer on the whole situation said the pumpkins might not be ready for this season. Well Mom, that is not looking at the bright side of life is it? Maybe I will have a great center piece for my non existent kitchen table for Thanksgiving!
Anyways, thought I would catch everyone up on my gardening adventures.
Oh. P.S. We named the cat. Todd with a double D.
He has a little fox face, and one of our (Bryan and I) favorite movies is Fox and the Hound. Todd is the name of the fox. We are just to clever for our own good.
August 20, 2011
I am Soooo Excited (said in Oprah Voice)
Finally a fabulous show to look forward too instead of Bath Crashers, House Crashers, Yard Crashers etc... And this one is on the OWN Network!!! Yay.
Something with fun design and color, cheeky sass, and a pair of dogs = winning combination!
I think it is the dogs that crack me up the most. Okay maybe it is the smart car... Or the glasses. Okay it is the fact that I secretly want to move to Europe so I can have friends like this... my closest friend like this moved his ass to Chicago and I still am devastated to this day. He had such a great collection of sweater vests and could pull off a bow tie like no other. Jeff I miss your jaded bitterness and fashion sense to death.
Something with fun design and color, cheeky sass, and a pair of dogs = winning combination!
I think it is the dogs that crack me up the most. Okay maybe it is the smart car... Or the glasses. Okay it is the fact that I secretly want to move to Europe so I can have friends like this... my closest friend like this moved his ass to Chicago and I still am devastated to this day. He had such a great collection of sweater vests and could pull off a bow tie like no other. Jeff I miss your jaded bitterness and fashion sense to death.
Do you now see why I love this guy? How could you not?
August 18, 2011
My night was spent like this:
Me "Meow?"
Ratty Ass Kitty Found in My Clean Garage "Meow"
Me "Meow?"
RAKFMCG "Meow Meow"
Me "Meow?"
Repeat times five.
But after a trail of turkey lunch meat leading into our house... The Vargas family has a new member.
Might name him Guillermo.
UPDATE: He has made himself at home....
Me "Meow?"
Ratty Ass Kitty Found in My Clean Garage "Meow"
Me "Meow?"
RAKFMCG "Meow Meow"
Me "Meow?"
Repeat times five.
But after a trail of turkey lunch meat leading into our house... The Vargas family has a new member.
Might name him Guillermo.
UPDATE: He has made himself at home....
The Gossip
Bah I tell you bah. So I am about 100% sure I didn't get the position. How do I know without really knowing? I am friends with the girl who actually got it. And as much as I want to hate her, I just can't cause she is just awesome.
And deserving of the position. But I am not suppose to know yet. All I had to do was look at her. I have these super human powers where I force people to tell me their secrets without even speaking. I know I am amazing. It is almost like reading minds. I should get a cape or maybe a fancy mask and think of a creative super hero name... we shall see what I come up with... Maybe "The Gossip" said with a dramatic voice that probably is only making me laugh.
So bah. Where do I get to let out my frustrations?!?!
Tonight's victim is a bag of Ramen noodles and a bottle of wine. No judgment please. Oh who am I kidding - go ahead and judge - I would.
Back to the drawing board... but don't worry... I still have a job and won't let this get me down. I am sure there will be more opportunities around the corner (this is all the positive fluff I am telling myself as I take a big gulp of wine...).
Anywho.... back to the basement. We totally got the stinky old damp carpet out of the basement (again this is where "we" means Bryan lugged it up the narrow stairs all by himself). But I did throw away a lot of the knotty pine panels and many many two by fours. Tight pre- prego ass here I come...
And then I made piles of the insanity down there... I have a dry wall aka. damp dry wall pile, a wood scrap pile and Styrofoam insulation pile and a dust/crap pile.... so at least I have organized insanity.
And yes I do realize I need some more images - coming soon!
And deserving of the position. But I am not suppose to know yet. All I had to do was look at her. I have these super human powers where I force people to tell me their secrets without even speaking. I know I am amazing. It is almost like reading minds. I should get a cape or maybe a fancy mask and think of a creative super hero name... we shall see what I come up with... Maybe "The Gossip" said with a dramatic voice that probably is only making me laugh.
So bah. Where do I get to let out my frustrations?!?!
Tonight's victim is a bag of Ramen noodles and a bottle of wine. No judgment please. Oh who am I kidding - go ahead and judge - I would.
Back to the drawing board... but don't worry... I still have a job and won't let this get me down. I am sure there will be more opportunities around the corner (this is all the positive fluff I am telling myself as I take a big gulp of wine...).
Anywho.... back to the basement. We totally got the stinky old damp carpet out of the basement (again this is where "we" means Bryan lugged it up the narrow stairs all by himself). But I did throw away a lot of the knotty pine panels and many many two by fours. Tight pre- prego ass here I come...
And then I made piles of the insanity down there... I have a dry wall aka. damp dry wall pile, a wood scrap pile and Styrofoam insulation pile and a dust/crap pile.... so at least I have organized insanity.
And yes I do realize I need some more images - coming soon!
August 17, 2011
Okay Oldies
Aka. Mom & Uncle Robert... I think I may have a font that your old eyes can read - let me know what you think- since you are my main stalkers ;)
August 15, 2011
Totally not sure about the layout
not sure about the font changes aka. all the changes I am making to the blog... thanks for being patient!!!
Not feeling it - almost feeling it but not - still unsure about the font - can't get my header centered and have no idea what I am doing with the HTML... sigh.
Not feeling it - almost feeling it but not - still unsure about the font - can't get my header centered and have no idea what I am doing with the HTML... sigh.
What Driveway? I Had a Driveway?
So remember when we were on that landscaping kick? When my can do husband fix all the flowerbeds I destroyed... and then he decided to tear up my driveway and pile up all the asphalt?
Yeah those piles stayed around a little too long and didn't add to the beautification process of the neighborhood.
But that all changed this weekend... CAUSE IT WAS PARENTS TO THE RESCUE WEEKEND!!!!
Dad & Mom rolled in around 11:30 on Saturday with a wheelbarrow, chainsaw, shop broom, and Round-Up in the back of the truck... when mom mentioned that dad was bringing the chainsaw I got all giddy inside, like Christmas morning giddy.
So I had to do the tour of shame...also known as the tour of half finished projects. Talk about embarrassing... mom at least has seen what I have done... this was dad's first introduction to my messes. Gah. It is one thing to have my mother lecture me about projects, but a whole other level when it is my dad.
"You need to focus"... "You need to start and finish one project at a time" and my favorite "Why exactly did you do this" where all bits and pieces to the conversations I had with my dad....but the best was when my dad walked into our garage and exclaimed "Oh my god, Bryan does have a tool box".
So then after the tour we got down to business, and our "focus" was the outside aka. demoed driveway. Dad and I tossed so many loads of broken asphalt I swear I almost lost all of the baby weight on Saturday (I did go and weigh myself after - no such luck). Then after the closest pile to the large dumpster was done, my dad pulled out his man genius and found discarded wood on the side of our back garage and made a ramp to run the wheelbarrow up into the dumpster - yeah he impressed me with that one. Two more piles of black top/asphalt down.
Then after a small beer break, dad whipped out the chainsaw... doesn't seem like the logical order but hey it worked for us :) Then down went the two trees/over grown bushes that Bryan tried to cut down and kill 6 weeks ago... chainsaw always wins. Remember that.
Boom another finished project.
Then we turned our sights on the garage. Yikes to say the least. It was a mess made up of the previous owners stuff, all of our half finished project stuff and just crap to say the least.
I can now park another car in there, or have a huge area to work on projects such as my kitchen table. YAY.
And then we quit for the day. I don't think I could feel my feet that night. Or my arms.
My lovely mother was super kind enough to deal with the two little ones. Eli gave her a run for her money and cried for the first 3 hours she was there - a milk coma had to be put into action - and then he slept for the rest of the afternoon :).
Mom thought a magic green chalk line would keep Emily from getting in the way of flying chunks of asphalt - yeah... she told her not to go past the line...my daughter seriously drew her own line. Take that Grandma Mimi. I just had to laugh.
My parents are wonderful. They saved my sanity this weekend. Sometimes (all the time) Bryan and I bite off more than we can chew and get ourselves into these type of projects that seem too large to conquer so we just kind of stall out. Luckily my dad saved our asses this weekend and I am no longer the neighborhood eyesore.
Did we get to the basement - nope - but I am starting to haul some drywall out and some paneling slowly but surely since we have the dumpster a few more days... but seriously to at least have that done in one day was just amazing.
Sunday, Emily got to swim in her first big girl pool at the hotel with Grandma Mimi. For a daredevil of a child that she is, she was very cautious at first, sitting on the stairs and not wanting to go far out with grandma... but once she saw a little toddler boy looking at her (okay, he was seriously googly eyeing her down) she knew she was on show and that is when she got brave enough to jump into Grandma's arms and swim with her in the deeper area.
All it took was an audience - go figure.
So it was a great weekend, even better when my dad asked me what our next project to tackle was cause he wanted to be prepared with the right tools to get the job done when he comes down next... which means we didn't scare him off!!!!
I love my dad, even though talking to him on the phone is the most awkward thing in the world, and we both are super stubborn and have tempers like no other... he is my dad and saves me in a pickle or two like when your car is acting up, and your husband doesn't have a clue what it could be. He is also great to make fun of with your sister (we mock him any time we are around him- it is just so easy sometimes), so basically he is a great dad with a chainsaw.
Love you Mom & Dad.
And in case you are wondering - our next project is the bathroom. We will get this room done. I swear!
Yeah those piles stayed around a little too long and didn't add to the beautification process of the neighborhood.
But that all changed this weekend... CAUSE IT WAS PARENTS TO THE RESCUE WEEKEND!!!!
Dad & Mom rolled in around 11:30 on Saturday with a wheelbarrow, chainsaw, shop broom, and Round-Up in the back of the truck... when mom mentioned that dad was bringing the chainsaw I got all giddy inside, like Christmas morning giddy.
So I had to do the tour of shame...also known as the tour of half finished projects. Talk about embarrassing... mom at least has seen what I have done... this was dad's first introduction to my messes. Gah. It is one thing to have my mother lecture me about projects, but a whole other level when it is my dad.
"You need to focus"... "You need to start and finish one project at a time" and my favorite "Why exactly did you do this" where all bits and pieces to the conversations I had with my dad....but the best was when my dad walked into our garage and exclaimed "Oh my god, Bryan does have a tool box".
So then after the tour we got down to business, and our "focus" was the outside aka. demoed driveway. Dad and I tossed so many loads of broken asphalt I swear I almost lost all of the baby weight on Saturday (I did go and weigh myself after - no such luck). Then after the closest pile to the large dumpster was done, my dad pulled out his man genius and found discarded wood on the side of our back garage and made a ramp to run the wheelbarrow up into the dumpster - yeah he impressed me with that one. Two more piles of black top/asphalt down.
Then after a small beer break, dad whipped out the chainsaw... doesn't seem like the logical order but hey it worked for us :) Then down went the two trees/over grown bushes that Bryan tried to cut down and kill 6 weeks ago... chainsaw always wins. Remember that.
Boom another finished project.
Then we turned our sights on the garage. Yikes to say the least. It was a mess made up of the previous owners stuff, all of our half finished project stuff and just crap to say the least.
I can now park another car in there, or have a huge area to work on projects such as my kitchen table. YAY.
And then we quit for the day. I don't think I could feel my feet that night. Or my arms.
My lovely mother was super kind enough to deal with the two little ones. Eli gave her a run for her money and cried for the first 3 hours she was there - a milk coma had to be put into action - and then he slept for the rest of the afternoon :).
Mom thought a magic green chalk line would keep Emily from getting in the way of flying chunks of asphalt - yeah... she told her not to go past the line...my daughter seriously drew her own line. Take that Grandma Mimi. I just had to laugh.
My parents are wonderful. They saved my sanity this weekend. Sometimes (all the time) Bryan and I bite off more than we can chew and get ourselves into these type of projects that seem too large to conquer so we just kind of stall out. Luckily my dad saved our asses this weekend and I am no longer the neighborhood eyesore.
Did we get to the basement - nope - but I am starting to haul some drywall out and some paneling slowly but surely since we have the dumpster a few more days... but seriously to at least have that done in one day was just amazing.
Sunday, Emily got to swim in her first big girl pool at the hotel with Grandma Mimi. For a daredevil of a child that she is, she was very cautious at first, sitting on the stairs and not wanting to go far out with grandma... but once she saw a little toddler boy looking at her (okay, he was seriously googly eyeing her down) she knew she was on show and that is when she got brave enough to jump into Grandma's arms and swim with her in the deeper area.
All it took was an audience - go figure.
So it was a great weekend, even better when my dad asked me what our next project to tackle was cause he wanted to be prepared with the right tools to get the job done when he comes down next... which means we didn't scare him off!!!!
I love my dad, even though talking to him on the phone is the most awkward thing in the world, and we both are super stubborn and have tempers like no other... he is my dad and saves me in a pickle or two like when your car is acting up, and your husband doesn't have a clue what it could be. He is also great to make fun of with your sister (we mock him any time we are around him- it is just so easy sometimes), so basically he is a great dad with a chainsaw.
Love you Mom & Dad.
And in case you are wondering - our next project is the bathroom. We will get this room done. I swear!
August 11, 2011
Karma Hates Me
After Emily played in Mom's car... and forgot to turn off all the gadgets...Mom's car was dead.
After thinking my battery was charged Eli and I went to Target. Car was dead when we walked out with ice cream sandwiches. Yay for roadside assistance... an hour later :(
New battery needed. No man around to install it at the moment. Karma hates me today.
However, I did get new nail polish to make my nails pretty for tomorrow's interview... and my toes match my nails now. Small things in life. This has to get me the job, I am sure of it (please know that I am being sarcastic as hell).
Hope Karma is liking you a little bit more than me today :)
After thinking my battery was charged Eli and I went to Target. Car was dead when we walked out with ice cream sandwiches. Yay for roadside assistance... an hour later :(
New battery needed. No man around to install it at the moment. Karma hates me today.
However, I did get new nail polish to make my nails pretty for tomorrow's interview... and my toes match my nails now. Small things in life. This has to get me the job, I am sure of it (please know that I am being sarcastic as hell).
Hope Karma is liking you a little bit more than me today :)
August 10, 2011
Working on my Karma
So our grass has gotten out of control and we finally got our mower guy out to start mowing ....
Except my garage (the way back one that is the squirrel love nest) was still open and is an eye sore and huge embarrassment.
So as I was running outside to shut the portal to hell with my shoe laces still untied I saw this thin flutter beside the garage in the grass. I of course go to check it out cause I am as curious as a cat...
It was a little injured sparrow who could slightly get into the air but looks to either have a floppy neck or a broken/sprained wing. And to build up the drama in this story - our guy was just turning the corner on his riding lawn mower right where the bird tired to fly.... but I being the animal lover dove in front of this machine of doom and scooped up the little bird (okay it took me 3 or 4 attempts to "scoop" up the bird since I didn't want to hurt it more or send it into shock... but that is a minor detail).
So after the dramatic rescue, I found last year's Easter basket and put the tiny thing in it with a towel over the top to help it "relax". I called my husband to tell him all about it - since this is the highlight of the day (TV between 11- 2 is less than thrilling).
He was less than impressed. And wasn't thrilled that I put the basket in Eli's room since the bird could carry infectious diseases etc. Someone has watched that damn monkey movie Outbreak a little too much... He told me to go put the bird back in the way back of our yard that still resembles a jungle and let the "survival of the fittest" take its course...
Don't worry Grandma Barb, I did move the bird to the office/storage room... you and B can now rest at ease...
He does not understand Karma... and I need all the Karma I can get right about now - second round of interviews is scheduled for Friday at 2. I want this job - and need all the help I can get - and if saving a little bird from a terrible and ugly mower death tips me just over the top of good vibes - I am so going to take it.
However, I did try this once when I was a younger person in high school.... which Bryan kindly reminded me of. The bird's name was Bubba and he was found at the high school track fallen out of his nest... of course I took him home too and he did quite well - until I left his cage right next to an open window on a cold day. Yeah, pretty sure he died of phenomena... Karma did not like me so much then.
Update: My mother, kindly informed me that my bird did not die of phenomena but pneumonia ...laughing at myself right now and embarrassed as hell ... hope this all makes you aware that spell check can fail you - majorly.
But I have had success with Hawks - didn't name that one but he flew off into the sunset and that is not a metaphor for death - he actually survived my "rescue".
So I am hoping a little rest will help this guy and my rescue track record can improve....
Bryan also said to let Thomas the man cat in and to see who won... but I told him that Thomas had already brought home a mouse and that he does not need to be spoon fed. I love my cat, I really do... he brings me gifts of love.
Update 2: The bird f'in died on me. Where am I going to get my karma now?! However, the bird did die fashionably well in a pink gingham Easter basket... if you have to go not a bad way...okay I am just trying to make myself feel better :(
Except my garage (the way back one that is the squirrel love nest) was still open and is an eye sore and huge embarrassment.
So as I was running outside to shut the portal to hell with my shoe laces still untied I saw this thin flutter beside the garage in the grass. I of course go to check it out cause I am as curious as a cat...
It was a little injured sparrow who could slightly get into the air but looks to either have a floppy neck or a broken/sprained wing. And to build up the drama in this story - our guy was just turning the corner on his riding lawn mower right where the bird tired to fly.... but I being the animal lover dove in front of this machine of doom and scooped up the little bird (okay it took me 3 or 4 attempts to "scoop" up the bird since I didn't want to hurt it more or send it into shock... but that is a minor detail).
So after the dramatic rescue, I found last year's Easter basket and put the tiny thing in it with a towel over the top to help it "relax". I called my husband to tell him all about it - since this is the highlight of the day (TV between 11- 2 is less than thrilling).
He was less than impressed. And wasn't thrilled that I put the basket in Eli's room since the bird could carry infectious diseases etc. Someone has watched that damn monkey movie Outbreak a little too much... He told me to go put the bird back in the way back of our yard that still resembles a jungle and let the "survival of the fittest" take its course...
Don't worry Grandma Barb, I did move the bird to the office/storage room... you and B can now rest at ease...
He does not understand Karma... and I need all the Karma I can get right about now - second round of interviews is scheduled for Friday at 2. I want this job - and need all the help I can get - and if saving a little bird from a terrible and ugly mower death tips me just over the top of good vibes - I am so going to take it.
However, I did try this once when I was a younger person in high school.... which Bryan kindly reminded me of. The bird's name was Bubba and he was found at the high school track fallen out of his nest... of course I took him home too and he did quite well - until I left his cage right next to an open window on a cold day. Yeah, pretty sure he died of phenomena... Karma did not like me so much then.
Update: My mother, kindly informed me that my bird did not die of phenomena but pneumonia ...laughing at myself right now and embarrassed as hell ... hope this all makes you aware that spell check can fail you - majorly.
But I have had success with Hawks - didn't name that one but he flew off into the sunset and that is not a metaphor for death - he actually survived my "rescue".
So I am hoping a little rest will help this guy and my rescue track record can improve....
Bryan also said to let Thomas the man cat in and to see who won... but I told him that Thomas had already brought home a mouse and that he does not need to be spoon fed. I love my cat, I really do... he brings me gifts of love.
Update 2: The bird f'in died on me. Where am I going to get my karma now?! However, the bird did die fashionably well in a pink gingham Easter basket... if you have to go not a bad way...okay I am just trying to make myself feel better :(
August 8, 2011
Sanding off Insanity
Okay, I have an issue with confidence...
One moment I can think I am the total shit - the bomb - no one can compete.
The next moment I am calling in all reinforcements, needing pep talks from the hubby, from my mom, from anyone who will give me positive reinforcement.
Obviously this is something I need to work on. I need to know that I do good work, people appreciate it, and that I can do anything I want to do and put my mind to. I am not sure where this self doubt comes from but I am always waiting for the next shoe to drop.
So today, as I wait for a call for either the next round of interviews or the "we went with another candidate" call I am freaking. I really am. My husband is going to be thrilled when this whole process is over. And the thing is - I am at home taking care of Eli with nothing else to distract myself. So of course I am over analyzing every aspect of my interview... was that smile a good indication or not... did I stumble over my words too much? Ugh. Time to turn off the brain and turn on the creative outlet for my insanity.
So I have decided to start sanding my kitchen walls. I will distract myself by destroying my house one wall at a time!!! I think this is a genius plan. Good call.
P.S. Mom is coming this weekend so don't worry too much - okay worry a little bit :)
One moment I can think I am the total shit - the bomb - no one can compete.
The next moment I am calling in all reinforcements, needing pep talks from the hubby, from my mom, from anyone who will give me positive reinforcement.
Obviously this is something I need to work on. I need to know that I do good work, people appreciate it, and that I can do anything I want to do and put my mind to. I am not sure where this self doubt comes from but I am always waiting for the next shoe to drop.
So today, as I wait for a call for either the next round of interviews or the "we went with another candidate" call I am freaking. I really am. My husband is going to be thrilled when this whole process is over. And the thing is - I am at home taking care of Eli with nothing else to distract myself. So of course I am over analyzing every aspect of my interview... was that smile a good indication or not... did I stumble over my words too much? Ugh. Time to turn off the brain and turn on the creative outlet for my insanity.
So I have decided to start sanding my kitchen walls. I will distract myself by destroying my house one wall at a time!!! I think this is a genius plan. Good call.
P.S. Mom is coming this weekend so don't worry too much - okay worry a little bit :)
August 7, 2011
Lusting aka. Dreaming
I want, but my wallet/bank account/husband wants to say ouch:
$400 on Etsy...
Now you may be thinking... come on Meg, they are just glass... why yes they are... but they are Murano glass from the 60's and I have a feeling they would be amazing in my soon to be blue living room...
Now, how to raise the funds? I am currently taking donations to the Let's Avoid Megan Going Bankrupt Redecorating Her House Foundation... also known as Keep Megan Out of Trouble with Her Husband Foundation...
Totally joking but wishing this is how life worked...
$400 on Etsy...
Now you may be thinking... come on Meg, they are just glass... why yes they are... but they are Murano glass from the 60's and I have a feeling they would be amazing in my soon to be blue living room...
Now, how to raise the funds? I am currently taking donations to the Let's Avoid Megan Going Bankrupt Redecorating Her House Foundation... also known as Keep Megan Out of Trouble with Her Husband Foundation...
Totally joking but wishing this is how life worked...
August 6, 2011
Kitchen Kick (Again)
So now that my hubby has a part time gig at Ikea ... my project man is back .... not that he has time but he definitely has gotten the bug
He also is loving the "how much can we save" game.... did I mention our latest score?

At first wanted something similar to this:
My need for projects is obviously back... I need a bit of a change from sweeping up crush goldfish, mopping up spilled juice since my daughter now opens up the fridge and helps herself to anything she wants... and Kraft Cheese Singles are awful to try and scrape off your hardwood floors... oil and yuckiness - so over it and need something to make me happy again.
He also is loving the "how much can we save" game.... did I mention our latest score?

$300 Sink for a cool $17. I love that he works in the as is section... It had a small chip on the corner that needs a little cosmetic love and if we can't give it that love we are only out $17. I call that a score.
So now he is keeping an eye out for cabinets, I am feeling confident in my man. And in all honesty if we can get the kitchen up and running, I think I might be the happiest woman alive. Not that I cook at all - however I can boil a mean pot of raviolis and that is about it.
But my main challenge right now is what I want to do with the walls. I know I want to do a stencil (not into the challenge of wallpaper or the price of wallpaper) but what stencil do I want to use?
But I am seeing it everywhere!!! And if Target has it on their pillows you know it is about to see it's end days on the trend curve (Yes!!! I just used a retail term I learned in my trend analysis class - college degree well spent - glad my college loan payments are still worth something!).
Then I stumbled on this great idea!
Stolen from Sabbe Interior Design
And since she couldn't paint the walls in her apartment she used contact paper!!! Genius - however she does warn that her walls are plaster vs. dry wall - and dry wall doesn't love contact paper as much (if and when you want to remove the pattern). Still gotta love the ingenuity (did I just surprise you with my word selection? Cause I totally just impressed myself).
My only concern is the husband veto. Chevron might be too "loud" for my man... but if I do a tone on tone or a flat with a high gloss I might just get away with it. And all I would need is a large ruler - and angle thingy and scissors to make my own stencil... a little cheaper than ordering one online and I can adjust the size and width to work in my space. I am so convincing.
I wonder if this a project that my "Mom is Coming to Save my Ass" weekend could manage? I could prime during the week since I will have daycare back (oh Nae Nae you do not know how much I value daycare now!!! don't ever go away again!!!).
And another fabulous thing I just ran across:
Normally I f'in hate glitter... my hatred being derived from teaching Sunday School with my mom (yes, this heathen actually taught Sunday School - okay I just loved to do the crafts and make the rooms super cute- I didn't really teach all that much). But my mom once made the mistake of letting kindergartners have free reign with the glitter. Clean up from hell to say the least. But I might just break out some glitter for this project - and I bet it would be super easy and add some whimsy to my empty vases ;)
My need for projects is obviously back... I need a bit of a change from sweeping up crush goldfish, mopping up spilled juice since my daughter now opens up the fridge and helps herself to anything she wants... and Kraft Cheese Singles are awful to try and scrape off your hardwood floors... oil and yuckiness - so over it and need something to make me happy again.
August 4, 2011
Week of Chaos and so Why Don't We Throw an Interview in the Mix?!
My week started off a little rough...
Packed up Emily and Eli to head to daycare, looking for a small break from constant kids (Bryan worked all weekend so I was the single parent- I am so not good at it) so Monday was going to be like a half vacation... just me an Eli till 4:30...
That is until I pulled up and found out that there was no daycare that week...crap. I had thought it was just Thursday and Friday. Nope.
So after I called Bryan to tell him my goof and have a mini meltdown that I had to take care of the two little ones all by myself all week (and I am talking about 6 am to 11 pm) he called back to tell me he reworked his schedule so I would have a partner in crime a few of those days....
Thank god my husband read my mind other wise I might just be a little more nutty than I already am. And because Tuesday I got the call that they wanted to schedule me for a phone interview for the internal position that I had applied to. Fabulous - and Bryan was going to be home at that time - wonderful!!!
And then the call came that they wanted to schedule me for my panel interview for Thursday at 2 pm.... well that wasn't as fabulous since Bryan will be at work all day... but thank god I have a fabulous cousin who is going to be a teacher and loves kids and had made a comment about baby sitting and how she wasn't going to see Em & Eli since she was moving to the other side of town.... Well being the problem solver I am ....(okay okay she saved my ass completely)
Then it was off to my closet to see if any of my professional clothes still fit (big fat no). My suit cut me in half right where I did not need any attention - not even Spanx could save that outfit... then all the skirts came out... no go there. Then the call to Bryan went out... told him the sad state of affairs and he said what every wife wants to hear...
"Well then, we will just have to go to the mall and get you something then. I want you to feel as confident as you can."
Love him sometimes.
So... yesterday we packed up the troops and headed to the mall - and was really successful!!! YAY.
So now I am doing everything you should not do to prepare for an interview - blogging, burping a baby, watching VH1 music videos trying to calm my nerves...
Maybe I will start writing down all my wow stories and a summary of why I am fabulous just to remind myself so I am not going ....ummm...ummm...ummm in my interview....
I hate this process minus the dress up part FYI.
Packed up Emily and Eli to head to daycare, looking for a small break from constant kids (Bryan worked all weekend so I was the single parent- I am so not good at it) so Monday was going to be like a half vacation... just me an Eli till 4:30...
That is until I pulled up and found out that there was no daycare that week...crap. I had thought it was just Thursday and Friday. Nope.
So after I called Bryan to tell him my goof and have a mini meltdown that I had to take care of the two little ones all by myself all week (and I am talking about 6 am to 11 pm) he called back to tell me he reworked his schedule so I would have a partner in crime a few of those days....
Thank god my husband read my mind other wise I might just be a little more nutty than I already am. And because Tuesday I got the call that they wanted to schedule me for a phone interview for the internal position that I had applied to. Fabulous - and Bryan was going to be home at that time - wonderful!!!
And then the call came that they wanted to schedule me for my panel interview for Thursday at 2 pm.... well that wasn't as fabulous since Bryan will be at work all day... but thank god I have a fabulous cousin who is going to be a teacher and loves kids and had made a comment about baby sitting and how she wasn't going to see Em & Eli since she was moving to the other side of town.... Well being the problem solver I am ....(okay okay she saved my ass completely)
Then it was off to my closet to see if any of my professional clothes still fit (big fat no). My suit cut me in half right where I did not need any attention - not even Spanx could save that outfit... then all the skirts came out... no go there. Then the call to Bryan went out... told him the sad state of affairs and he said what every wife wants to hear...
"Well then, we will just have to go to the mall and get you something then. I want you to feel as confident as you can."
Love him sometimes.
So... yesterday we packed up the troops and headed to the mall - and was really successful!!! YAY.
So now I am doing everything you should not do to prepare for an interview - blogging, burping a baby, watching VH1 music videos trying to calm my nerves...
Maybe I will start writing down all my wow stories and a summary of why I am fabulous just to remind myself so I am not going ....ummm...ummm...ummm in my interview....
I hate this process minus the dress up part FYI.
July 31, 2011
the Mother Comes, and She is Bringing Reinforcements!!
So I have been stuck in this house day after day imagining what I want to do with this house, and the sad fact is that I know exactly what I want to do with this house but do not have the man power or the funds.
Bryan has been hard at work working as many hours as he possibly can to get us to where we want to be, I have been managing the daily survival which includes a two year old who has realized that if she behaves badly she gets negative reinforcement...aka. attention (we are rectifying this as we speak... adjustment to the new baby). So our projects have slowed/stopped and I am getting to that sad/pathetic/my house is ugly feeling a lot quicker these days.
But then... when all hope is almost lost... my mother decided to plan a visit (after a subtle hint by me, that Emily would loooove to see her Grandma Mimi) and she is bringing reinforcements aka. my dad!!!
I am so relieved. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with all my half finished projects and just need a little umph to get me going again in the right direction.
This direction hopefully will be in the form of a huge dumpster - and loads of crap from my garage and basement making a trip to the dump...do I feel bad about that - yes.... but in all honesty I have reused what I can, and the rest is pretty much debris.
I have a lot of ideas of what we could achieve during the weekend but I am going to start with small expectations and hopefully be pleasantly surprised at what we can get accomplished.
If it were my dream weekend however this is what I would love to get done:
I am pretty sure he thought he was the FBI at my wedding with those oh so cool glasses - and yes that is usually the expression on his face unless my sister and I are wearing Madagascar (the cartoon movie) masks that we got from Denny's and staring at people in their cars as we drive by... then he is laughing hysterically. By the way my sister totally looks like the giraffe in that movie ... has something to do with the large teeth. I was the zebra...
Yeah.... we are not a normal family... but we have fun.
Bryan has been hard at work working as many hours as he possibly can to get us to where we want to be, I have been managing the daily survival which includes a two year old who has realized that if she behaves badly she gets negative reinforcement...aka. attention (we are rectifying this as we speak... adjustment to the new baby). So our projects have slowed/stopped and I am getting to that sad/pathetic/my house is ugly feeling a lot quicker these days.
But then... when all hope is almost lost... my mother decided to plan a visit (after a subtle hint by me, that Emily would loooove to see her Grandma Mimi) and she is bringing reinforcements aka. my dad!!!
I am so relieved. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with all my half finished projects and just need a little umph to get me going again in the right direction.
This direction hopefully will be in the form of a huge dumpster - and loads of crap from my garage and basement making a trip to the dump...do I feel bad about that - yes.... but in all honesty I have reused what I can, and the rest is pretty much debris.
I have a lot of ideas of what we could achieve during the weekend but I am going to start with small expectations and hopefully be pleasantly surprised at what we can get accomplished.
If it were my dream weekend however this is what I would love to get done:
- Empty out the basement aka. gut the basement completely
- Prime and paint the kitchen (it is so beyond acceptable right now)
- Paint the living room my dark blue
- Paint my piano
- Clean up the drive way that is half way torn up.
- Prime and paint my kitchen table (we might actually get this one done)
- Clean out the office/storage room and make it into an office
- Prime and paint the kitchen
- Gut the basement
- Clean up the driveway
- Gut the basement and garage
I am pretty sure he thought he was the FBI at my wedding with those oh so cool glasses - and yes that is usually the expression on his face unless my sister and I are wearing Madagascar (the cartoon movie) masks that we got from Denny's and staring at people in their cars as we drive by... then he is laughing hysterically. By the way my sister totally looks like the giraffe in that movie ... has something to do with the large teeth. I was the zebra...
Yeah.... we are not a normal family... but we have fun.
July 29, 2011
Yesterday was chaos...
It was decided that yesterday was going to be "show the baby off day" and instead of just doing one of our workplaces, I chose to do both, insane I know.
So Bryan left to work at 6 am. Leaving me to get everyone up, ready and presentable. Eli had his cute little blue outfit on, I quickly (note the quickly) threw Emily into a dress her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Andrea sent her (her favorite this month - we wear it about 3 times a week). We brushed our teeth, brushed our hair and then packed everyone up in the car.
The car ride went fantastic, no tears, nada. And then we arrived at B's work. I had called him in advance to help me unload the kids and just to help...well as he was lifting Emily out of her car seat a face of horror swept over his face.
He looked at me and asked "SHE IS NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR?!?!?"
Inside my head I was going "F@#k.... F@#k....Sh*t"
And then she twirled for dad. And he nearly died. We then instructed her not to twirl anymore.
We almost got away with it. But if you know anything about a two and half year old they like to climb, twirl, and tumble around. I then had to explain myself and my lack of expertise on the parenting front.
And then I had to relive the horror at my work. Luckily everyone is quite aware of my parenting flaws and love me anyways (or at least they just like me around for the entertainment value).
So yes, we survived people got to meet Eli, Emily got plenty of attention and played up to it every chance she got and I feel like an awesome parent who forgets to put her kid in underwear...
Luckily she is potty trained and we had no accidents, otherwise I am sure my maternity leave would have been extended indefinitely. Yay for parenting.
It was decided that yesterday was going to be "show the baby off day" and instead of just doing one of our workplaces, I chose to do both, insane I know.
So Bryan left to work at 6 am. Leaving me to get everyone up, ready and presentable. Eli had his cute little blue outfit on, I quickly (note the quickly) threw Emily into a dress her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Andrea sent her (her favorite this month - we wear it about 3 times a week). We brushed our teeth, brushed our hair and then packed everyone up in the car.
The car ride went fantastic, no tears, nada. And then we arrived at B's work. I had called him in advance to help me unload the kids and just to help...well as he was lifting Emily out of her car seat a face of horror swept over his face.
He looked at me and asked "SHE IS NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR?!?!?"
Inside my head I was going "F@#k.... F@#k....Sh*t"
And then she twirled for dad. And he nearly died. We then instructed her not to twirl anymore.
We almost got away with it. But if you know anything about a two and half year old they like to climb, twirl, and tumble around. I then had to explain myself and my lack of expertise on the parenting front.
And then I had to relive the horror at my work. Luckily everyone is quite aware of my parenting flaws and love me anyways (or at least they just like me around for the entertainment value).
So yes, we survived people got to meet Eli, Emily got plenty of attention and played up to it every chance she got and I feel like an awesome parent who forgets to put her kid in underwear...
Luckily she is potty trained and we had no accidents, otherwise I am sure my maternity leave would have been extended indefinitely. Yay for parenting.
July 27, 2011
I did the Unthinkable
Oh god I did it. I, after 2 1/2 weeks tried on my skinny jeans... not my preprego jeans, yes they are, but the preprego skinny skinny jeans.
It was a rough go at first. Wasn't sure if they were going to make it over the thighs... it was touch and go... but with a few lunges, a few hops and some really wicked maneuvering I got them up and over the thighs and up over my ass.
Now before you go on hating me, saying "girl if you are back to preprego weight and size..." I am so not. The jeans did not zip.
They didn't even make the attempt to zip. And there is a generous amount of stretch in these jeans. But I am happy for where I am at. I have a few blouse-y shirts that can hide my unzipped jeans that will make this work.
So I am going to fake it till I make it.
The reason why the attempt at skinny jeans? We are headed to Ikea to pick up a sink for our kitchen!!!
Yeah, from the as is section (I recommend stalking this area when ever you are at Ikea - some really great deals). So we are going to start "collecting" all the pieces we need for the kitchen slowly but surely... then maybe it won't hurt quite as bad as it would if we purchased it all at once... that is my theory and I am sticking to it.
So I had to change out of my sweat pants and pretend to reenter the real world that is not covered in baby spit up.... I can hardly remember civilization as of right now so this trip is my reintroduction!!!
I feel as though I should have a big fluffy white debutant ball gown for this event ... alas I never was one (pure jealousy since I love ridiculous reasons to get dressed up and prettied up and I am sure I could have found a fabulous pair of shoes to wear...).
Anywho, now I must go a dust off my make-up so I don't scare any young children with the dark circles under my eyes....
It was a rough go at first. Wasn't sure if they were going to make it over the thighs... it was touch and go... but with a few lunges, a few hops and some really wicked maneuvering I got them up and over the thighs and up over my ass.
Now before you go on hating me, saying "girl if you are back to preprego weight and size..." I am so not. The jeans did not zip.
They didn't even make the attempt to zip. And there is a generous amount of stretch in these jeans. But I am happy for where I am at. I have a few blouse-y shirts that can hide my unzipped jeans that will make this work.
So I am going to fake it till I make it.
The reason why the attempt at skinny jeans? We are headed to Ikea to pick up a sink for our kitchen!!!
Yeah, from the as is section (I recommend stalking this area when ever you are at Ikea - some really great deals). So we are going to start "collecting" all the pieces we need for the kitchen slowly but surely... then maybe it won't hurt quite as bad as it would if we purchased it all at once... that is my theory and I am sticking to it.
So I had to change out of my sweat pants and pretend to reenter the real world that is not covered in baby spit up.... I can hardly remember civilization as of right now so this trip is my reintroduction!!!
I feel as though I should have a big fluffy white debutant ball gown for this event ... alas I never was one (pure jealousy since I love ridiculous reasons to get dressed up and prettied up and I am sure I could have found a fabulous pair of shoes to wear...).
Anywho, now I must go a dust off my make-up so I don't scare any young children with the dark circles under my eyes....
UPDATE: booya got me a $300 sink for under $50 (one small crack on a corner - but we have the missing piece and it looks like an easy cosmetic fix) so yeah major score. Major negative? My poor floppy tummy was not ready for skinny jeans. Guess who is back into her sweats? Me Me Me!
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